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I'd be lying if I say it didn't hurt. It still did, but his words echoing in my mind made it better. His eyes searched for mine whenever he was done with the scene, the little gestures meaning so much more now.

Woo Jin and I picked Jinyoung up whenever I could, work piling up from my absence that I had to start work earlier to ensure that I could end on time.

Jinyoung always got up to make me breakfast, waving at me from our apartment door until I got into the elevator.

Work always made the day go by faster, our relationship was still kept on the low that most people thought of my absence as me recovering due to my arm rather than anything else.

Jinyoung always chatted animatedly in the car about his day, his chattering bringing a smile to my face despite how tired I was.

We were in bed early and catching up on our day when Jinyoung shared that the shooting was ahead of schedule.

He started to tell me about the upcoming marriage scene shooting, distracting me by crawling on top of me while he was talking.

His thigh draped over mine, spreading his legs so that my legs were intertwined with his. His messy bed hair and dreamy brown eyes sucked me in every time, my mind going blank from being so close to him.

I wrapped my right arm around his waist to hold his body firmly above mine, his elbows above my shoulders and propping him up while he played with my hair, his voice a nice hum in my ears.

I stared at his handsome face with a smile, mesmerised by him just being him. Jinyoung stopped me before I could try lifting my left arm to hug him, frowning down at me.

"Seun" he grumbled, knowing that I wasn't listening.

"You can't expect me to listen when you're on top of me" I shrugged, cupping his neck and tugging him down for a kiss.

Jinyoung kissed me back hard, his hands tangling into my hair, tugging lightly on the end. I groaned and rubbed my thigh against his crotch, Jinyoung gasping in response and grinding back against my leg. His neck and cheeks flushed, his eyes spotting the amazement in mine before burying his face in my neck.

"I fall apart every time you look at me like that" he mumbled, giving me little nips on my neck.

The sensation sent tingles down to my toes and I reached down to squeeze his ass, the round cheek filling my hand so perfectly.

I cupped the side of his face and tugged him back to my lips, caressing his butt cheeks as we continued to make out.

I slipped my hand into his boxers, my tongue swiping clumsily against his lips when he arched his back in response.

"You're too sexy. Come here" I murmured, shifting to sit up so that I could touch him more.

Jinyoung crawled on top of my lap, tangling his hands in my hair again and kissing me hard.

I reached behind and circled my finger around his hole, stretching further to stroke his balls lightly while Jinyoung trembled in my arms.

"Seun" he half grumbled, sensitive and yet twitching for more.

"Turn around" I rasped, my voice hoarse with want. I released him and leaned against the headboard, my hand itching to grab him back already.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now