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I had no idea what Jinyoung was up to, having turned off my notifications after posting his photo. I shook my head and headed to shower anyway, stepping out of the bathroom to see Jinyoung sitting on the bed.

His eyes followed me as I walked around the room in my slacks, choosing what to wear for the day.

I heard a click from his phone and turned to face him curiously, his cheeks red from getting caught.

"Hmm?" I hummed, raising my eyebrow at him.

I took my time to button my shirt up, staring at his hungry eyes the entire time, ignoring the shutter click from his phone again.

Jinyoung left his phone on the bed and crawled over to me, placing his hands on my cheeks and tugging me down to him for a kiss.

"I love you" he whispered, pressing another kiss to my lips. He crawled off the bed and gave me a wink after tempting the hell out of me, fleeing to hide in the bathroom.


I scrolled through my emails while waiting for him to get ready to head out, clearing some work before deciding to scroll through some social media.

The number of comments flooded my notification wall, random people tagging photos of Jinyoung and I making out on that street.

I scrolled through a few when I saw that Jinyoung secretly posted two photos of me.

The first photo felt personal, knowing that my eyes were staring at him through his phone. He took that photo of me in my old office, my eyes and lips curled into a smile despite being on the phone.

The other photo was taken when we were at the restaurant, my blazer draped over the back of my chair, rolling my sleeves up my forearms while my eyes were down on the menu. The caption reading "my favourite look".

I laughed about how adorable he was and decided to post about him back. I posted a photo of him looking all focused while reading in a hoodie and shorts, his lips slightly parted in concentration.

I found a photo I sneaked when we were at the same restaurant as he posted and posted it as well. He had his head thrown back in laughter, his eyes crinkling at the sides adorably. His wide smile making me smile even now, the usual hand covering his mouth missing. I captioned it the same way "my favourite look".

I received many comments almost immediately after posting, his fans going crazy for the "premium" content that I was giving.

I laughed at some comments and replied to some, especially those that commented that they wanted a piece of him. He's all mine, not sharing.

I was so distracted that I didn't realise Jinyoung was out of the shower until he stood in front of me. I looked up and swallowed guiltily, his eyes smiling down at me despite trying to put on a stern expression.

"Come here" I smiled, stretching forward to grab his waist.

"Were you posting again" he mumbled, kneeling on the sofa to climb onto my lap. His fingers tugged the hair on the back of my head lightly, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"That's all I can share regarding you"

Jinyoung let out a laugh and cupped my cheeks. kissing my lips after a beat.

"I love you even when you're so unreasonable"

"You love me because I am like this for you"


I let Jinyoung win by letting him post last and he posted a photo of me from the movie premiere. The photo was taken from the back, my head tilted sideways as I talked to the director. My shoulders looked broader from the back, my man bun was obvious in that photo, the shadows making my jawline look sharper from the side.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now