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I jolted awake every few hours despite being exhausted, needing to check that Jinyoung was still in my arms. I gave up sleeping halfway and laid there enjoying the feel of Jinyoung in my arms, pressing kisses to the top of his head because I could.

The sun was slowly rising and I realised I had to get ready for work. I shifted him slightly while trying to slowly slip out from under him, trying my best not to wake him but failing anyway when his eyes snapped open.

"Seunnie" he gasped, his eyes flashing in fear as he pulled on my hand, tugging me back to him. I grabbed the headboard to prevent my body from crushing him, my legs narrowly missing his.

My heart hammered against my chest as I tugged my hand out from his grasp and held him close, kissing his head to calm him and myself.

"Sorry Nyoung, I didn't mean to wake you. I've got to get to work" I sighed, speaking after my heart slowed to a somewhat normal beat.

I released him slowly as I felt him relax, cupping his chin to look into his eyes to see that he was calmer. I grabbed my clothes from the floor and shrugged them on, staring at my ruined shirt but draping it on anyway.

Jinyoung frowned and walked to his closet, grabbing a shirt from his cupboard and handing it to me.

"I don't have work for the next few days" his eyes were hopeful as he stood playing with his fingers in front of me.

"I'll rearrange my schedule" I nodded, giving him a small smile after I wore his shirt.

Jinyoung pulled me in for a hug, his eyes staring intently into mine showing me how vulnerable he was in that moment. I held him back tightly, my arms under his as I tugged his waist closer to me.

"Are we okay?" he asked softly, resting his chin on my chest.

"I'll always be here for you" I replied, not knowing what to say but answering with the truth. He blinked back at me in surprise, his eyes searching mine before pressing a kiss to my chest.

"I'm sorry, I believe you. I shouldn't have b... I can't stay away and I never wanted to, I just... I'm sorry" he fumbled.

"You really do mean a lot" he added softly, releasing one hand from around my neck to cup my cheek back.

"What happened?" I asked softly, confused by his stuttered answer.

"I settled it" he replied too quickly, burying his head into my neck, his breathing uneven as he held me closer. His words about intimidating echoed in my mind and I sighed, holding him tight.

"I don't think you know how much you mean to me" I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"You affect me too much and I'd do anything to protect you" I added softly, hugging him impossibly tighter.

"You and me both" he whispered back, giving me a tight squeeze in return.

I sucked in a shaky breath and released him slowly, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"You have to go" Jinyoung stated rather than asked.

"Do you want to head to my apartment? I want to introduce you if you'd like" I tried, running my hand through my hair nervously.

"Yes please" Jinyoung replied despite the nervousness flashing in his eyes as he stared into mine.

I led us both to my apartment, opening the front door to see a sleepy Mark jumping off my sofa.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I should have realised but I... oh hi" Mark rambled before spotting Jinyoung next to me.

"Nyoung. This is Mark" I smiled, gesturing at Mark who stood awkwardly now at the hall.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now