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"Seun-nim, there was an issue at the fan meet. Min Ji is bringing him over now" Woo Jin's clipped voice and greeting making the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"ETA?" I asked, getting up from my desk.

"30 minutes"

"Redirect them to home" I instructed, hanging up and grabbing my laptop from my office table.

I dropped a quick call to Han Sung to direct everything to my phone if they were urgent, Woo Jin appearing at my door and marching along with me to the carpark.


I continued to pace the apartment floor, keeping an eye at the front door when we got back, restless from being apart from Jinyoung still.

The door chimed as it unlocked and I dashed to it, pulling the door open and seeing a shaken Jinyoung.

He dashed directly into my arms, wrapping himself tight around me. I supported him with one arm, my other arm holding his head close to mine.

"I... the guy..." he sputtered, breaking into tears.

I carried him to our room, settling us on the bed and rocking him until he calmed. Every sniff stabbed my heart, Jinyoung's eyes red rimmed and tired when he stopped.

I poured a cup of tea for him from a flask that I had prepared, Jinyoung accepting it gratefully with both hands. Jinyoung sipped and stared tearily up at me, looking so pale and tired.

"Take your time" I murmured, moving to sit behind him instead, still needing to touch him.

I stretched my legs out beside his, Jinyoung mirroring mine and settling between my thighs. He sat against me, leaning back with his head resting on my shoulder.

I held him while he finished his drink, only releasing one hand from around him to put the cup on the side table. Jinyoung shifted to face me, looking a lot calmer despite the worry in his eyes.

"Come here" I murmured, scooping him into my arms. Jinyoung wrapped his arms tight around me, his words barely a whisper as he told me what happened.


I waited till Jinyoung fell asleep before sliding out of bed, ready to murder that piece of shit. I grabbed Jinyoung's phone from the side table, not wanting anything to wake him and pressing a small kiss to his forehead.

I closed the door quickly behind me, reaching my way in the dark hallway to the study, only flicking the light switch after closing the door. I blinked from the sudden light, my eyes adjusting after a beat for me to walk around the large wooden desk.

I placed Jinyoung's phone into a drawer and fired up my computer, calling Woo Jin to monitor sites and take down anything that might be linked.

I watched the whole incident from my phone, watching as the guy approached Jinyoung during the fan meeting. The photos he got Jinyoung to sign were not visible from this angle, Jinyoung's face visibly paler and shaken despite the smile he wore.

Jinyoung kept glancing at the guy despite him moving down the line, the fear in his eyes making me want to punch something. He had told me that the photos were of us kissing in public and that the guy obviously knew that it was him in the picture despite capturing my face only.

I poured myself a glass of moutai, needing the burn of alcohol to dull everything. I paced the study and thought of the next steps, wanting to keep Jinyoung out of it.


"Stay at home, stay in bed" I mumbled, tugging Jinyoung back down by his waist and tucking him back into my side. He giggled a laugh as he flopped back down on the bed, his fingers tracing a pattern across my face.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now