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We check into the nearest motel room and I go take a shower to refresh myself while Sam did some research on the area. I let my mind wander off quickly as I think about everything.

I can tell the boys are waiting for the right time to question me. I would have a bunch of questions too, if I were in their shoes.

The thing is, after the little bit I told Sam a week back, and how he exploded, I just knew he wouldn't take the whole bomb I'd lay on him lightly. And Dean...well, I honestly didn't know how Dean would take it. Depends on what he's heard, which only scares me more.

I think about John, and if he's okay. I couldn't help but think the worst. That man was like a father to me, even with the little time we spent together.

Letting out a tired sigh, I shut off the water and step out of the shower. Drying myself off and putting on clean clothes, I stare in the mirror for a minute. My head was pounding.

Shuffling through the things in my hygiene bag, I grab the Advil and pop a pill in my mouth. I cup some of the sink water in my hand and drink to help the pill go down.

I hang my head as I wait for the headache to pass, squeezing my eyes shut. I jump when someone suddenly bangs loudly on the bathroom door. I grip the countertop tightly in frustration.

"You wanna hurry up in there, sweetcheeks? I'm starving, so Sam and I are heading to a bar. You coming?" Dean asks when he stops banging on the door. I groan and yank the door open with a scowl.

"What the hell did I say about that nickname?" I growl.

"Wow, someone's snappy." Dean teases with a smirk. I throw a sarcastic smile before shoving him aside and heading for the motel door. "I guess that's a yes then." Dean says, rubbing his chest slightly.

The little smartass.

When we arrive at the nearest dive the three of us are lucky to find a table. I, of course, am between the two boys. I'm surprised at how busy the place is, for it being a dump and all. Once the three of us order, Sam gets right into what he found out.

"So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic..." Sam dug in his bag. I just look at him and smile at how excited he was to share what he learned. Little did I know, Dean was looking at me and not his brother. "Local campers mostly..." Sam pulls out a leather folder it seemed before laying it out on the table. "But, still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found." He opens up the folder and takes out some papers of different newspaper headlines.

"Anything like that happen before April?" I ask, furrowing my brows as I look down at his notes he had taken.

"Yeah." Sam says hesitantly. I look at him, and see him looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"Well, spit it out." I urge. I hear Dean chuckle lightly.

"In 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack." I look over the article Sam handed to me with interest.

"Hmm." I hum, looking over at Dean as I hand it to him. He already has his hand out and is looking at me expectantly. I smile before turning back to look at Sam.

"And, again, in 1959, and again, before that, in 1936." Sam adds, pulling out his laptop. I raise a shocked brow.

"Huh, so whatever this thing is, it keeps coming up every... twenty three years." I say after I did the quick calculation. I look up and see Sam looking at me shocked.

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