New beginnings

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The drive was quiet at first but after a while you started to get comfortable so you'd started talking with him more and you both learned some things you didn't know about eachother.

"So i'm guessing your favorite color isn't pink anymore" He says laughing as he pulls into a neighborhood. You laughed at him knowing why he was saying that.

You always wore black clothes for as long as you can remember. "Hmm i wonder what makes you say that?" You say sarcastically.

"Well good thing I didn't decorate your room for you or i would have put up pink things" He says laughing. "oh by the way since you start school in 2 days you have time to relax and if you want you can order some things online so you can decorate your room and later this week we can go to some shops to look for a bed frame and drawers for you".

"Sounds great dad... by the way what school will i be attending? I didn't really want to be thinking about school while i was packing up my stuff" You say as you saw ukai pull into a driveway and you saw a house. It was dark so you couldn't really see it all but all you saw was a porch and a front yard that had a gate around it.

"karasuno High, It's a 10 minute drive from here... I'll be taking you every morning" He said as you both got out of the car.

You got your backpack and you put the leash back on your dog. As you were walking behind Ukai you notice a mini garden infront of the porch with colorful rocks. "do you have another child?" You asked looking at the rocks and it looked like a little kid painted on them.

"what?! no i don't. I live alone, why do you ask" He looked at you and stopped unlocking the door.

"Well those colorful rocks look like a kid painted them." You said still looking at the rocks.

He turned his head and saw the rocks and smiled a little "yeah a kid did paint on those rocks... that kid was you". You turn to look at him and your eyes started to get watery.

"You kept them after all those years?" you asked as you both walk into the house.

"of course... it was the last thing you gave me before you and your mom left,- well this is it... your new home from now on" He said turning on the lights. "it's not much but at least it's comfy".

You laughed a little "it looks great dad, i'm glad you aren't messy" You said putting your backpack down on the couch. His house was nice. Not to big and not to small, enough space for the dog to run around and not bump into things, the kitchen was right next to the living room, it was a light green-ish color but a nice color. It was actually an upstairs home, you didn't even notice the stairs. It was nice, comforting, warm, if felt like home, and it smelled like some type of Cologne. You started thinking maybe living here won't be so bad.

Ukai breaks through your thoughts "Your room is upstairs the first door to the right, the second door is just a extra closet i cleaned out just in case you needed more space for clothing or anything. You can go check it out while i make you something small to eat to fill up your stomach." He smiled at you and walked into the kitchen.

You say okay and go upstairs and open the door. The room is pretty big and you have your own bathroom. The walls are painted a lavender color, it was a nice color. You close the door and take the leash off your dog, You let him smell around the room as you serve his food and water. There was a window and you look outside and see that you're able to go on top of the roof since there was a little piece of roof next to the window. You didn't have a desk or a bed so you sat on the carpet floor next to your dog. It was 4 in the morning and you were so tired and hungry, you heard footsteps and your dad knocked on the door.

"Hey can i come in?" He asked

"yeah i'm just sitting down" You say as you reach for the door knob.

He comes in and looks down to see you laying there with your dog. "I made you some spring rolls if you're still hungry? also don't worry you'll have a full room in no time" He said smiled and putting his hand infront of you.

He helps you get up and you both walk down stairs and you let your dog come with you so he could get to know his new home. You walk into the kitchen and see a pile of spring rolls with some dipping sauce. You got excited and sat down. He laughed as he saw how excited you were, it reminded him of how you were always so excited to be around people and just happy in general. You were on your fourth one enjoying every bite.

"Well i'm finished eating, i'm gonna put your luggage in your room so you can take a shower. You can sleep in my bed okay?" he says as he got up.

You stop eating and look at him "wait where are you going?".

"well it's about to be six so i have to go open up my shop, the person that was suppose to go in today is calling in sick so i have to fill in." He says as he picked up your luggage.

"well can i go with you?" you ask getting up.

"no no no you need rest, you must be tired no?" You followed him up the stairs as you took another bag with you.

"yeah a little but i wanna see where you work" You say looking at him. He looked back and signed.

"okay how about this, You shower, take a nap, and once you wake up you can get ready and walk to the shop? I'll put the address in your phone of the shop and the house so you could remember them." He said as he took your phone and started typing in the addresses.

"Fineeee" You sigh in defeat.

You finish eating then you go to shower, when you come out you pick out your clothes and change. You look around your dads room then lay on his bed and fall asleep.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now