Trying to confess

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It was the second day on the training camp and your team was going to run another lap up the hill.

You were at the bottom of the hill giving them their waters once they came back down. Tsukishima was panting as he came running down.

You handed him his water "You're doing really good." you gave him a smile.

"You don't have to lie to me y/n" tsukishima sits down on the grass.

You sit next to him and just stare at him. "i'm not lying tsukki, you're actually doing good."

"yeah whatever shorty." he pushes you a little to the side as he stands up.

"shouldn't you be in the kitchen with the rest of the managers?" he turns down to look at you.

You were confused but then you look around to see that they all left. "OH WE HAVE TO MAKE DINNER." You quickly got up and started running to catch up to them.

*Tsukki's POV*

Tsukishima was going back to the the rest of the team but stopped when he heard yelling from another gym.

The door was opened and there stood Bokuto waving hi at him.

"Tsukki come practice with us!" bokuto yells and kuroo comes behind him.

"We could call hinata and finish yesterday's game of three on three" kuroo says holding the door opened.

"no i'm actually quite tired right now" tsukki was about to walk away but hinata stopped him.

"Just this game then you could go back to y/n later!" hinata raises his voice.

Tsukishima sighed then walked into the gym with hinata.

"Who's y/n?" a tall boy with grey hair and green emerald eyes says as he walks into the gym.

"y/n is our awesome manager! also tsukishima's girlfriend.." Hinata mumbled the last part.

"She isn't my girlfriend you orange!" tsukishima says to hinata angrily.


About an hour passed by and you noticed that neither tsukishima or hinata were eating with us. You got up and excused yourself from the table of managers.

You started walking around and you heard yelling from a gym so you walked in. Once you walked him you saw 6 of the boys still practicing.

"If you guys don't hurry up i'm closing the kitchen up and won't be serving you guys food." you cross your arms as you stand by the door staring at each one of them.

Once your gaze met tsukki's your face softened. "Tsukki!! I couldn't find you so I walked around". You jogged up to him.

"y-you were looking for me?" tsukishima says as he was getting red. The rest of the boys noticed and smirked at eachother.

"Hey there y/n!" You turn around and look at kuroo waving at you.

All of the boys walked up to eachother with you and started talking and saying hi to you.

Kuroo pulled you into a tight hug causing tsukishima to get a little angry. "he he hey kuroo" you say tapping his back.

After a little bit of talking they all started walking out and leaving you and kuroo behind them a little just talk about eachothers day.

Tsukishima didn't like that a single bit. He didn't like hearing you giggle while other guys talked to you.

Tsukishima turned around quickly "Can I talk to her... alone". He looked at kuroo angrily.

Kuroo nodded and left with the rest of the boys.

You waited until they were out of sight anf you spoke up. "Are you okay tsukki? what did you want to talk about?".

He just looked to the side and said nothing. You crossed your arms and just stared up at him.

"If you don't need anything then we should head back to the cafeteria so you can eat." You were about to start walking but he stopped you.

"I- I um- I dont like the way you talk to him... or the way he makes you laugh" He says quietly.

You were shocked but confused why he didn't like kuroo talking to you since you saw kuroo as a friend.

"What do you mean by that tsukki? Like... you don't like the jokes he tells me?" You say crossing your arms again.

"I- Uhm never mind, we should get going. I'm kind of hungry." he started walking away.

You were caught of guard by him just changing his mind. "Tsukki wait what do you mean?! Why don't you like it!?".

He just kept walking as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Tsukishima Kei!" you raised your voice.

He stopped walking by the fact that you called him tsukishima again.

"please talk to me! You keep trying to tell me something but you aren't saying anything!" you raised your voice even more.

You knew deep down that he was trying to confess and you were getting desperate at the fact that he wasn't doing it.

" SAY IT!" you yelled.

You didn't notice but there was some people around the corner watching the whole thing happen. (and by people i mean Bokuto, akaashi, Kuroo, Lev, and the whole karasuno team.)

"Say what?!" he asked razing his voice a little.

"Say you like me! and stop being an asshole about it!" you yell again and started taking slow steps.

He paused for a little "I-I don't know what your talking about" He said angrily.

You stopped walking as you heard his words "So you don't like me back?" a single tear fell down your cheek.

He hesitated and looked to the side, he was about to say something but you cut him off quickly.

"Don't even bother saying another word to me" you quickly run away as tears fell down your cheeks.

Tsukishima just watched as you ran off. He flinched when he heard yamaguchi yell at him.

"TSUKKI YOU IDIOT!" yamaguchi came up to him. The rest of the team was shocked by the sudden anger in yamaguchi.

"That was your chance and you didn't take it! You made her believe you don't like her back! Cant you see that she liked you back! Why!? Why Tsukki?!" Tadashi was raising his voice in tsukishima's face as he grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Stop thinking everyone is the same! Stop thinking everyone is going to lie to you and hurt you again!" Tadashi yelled at him one more time before letting tsukishima go.

Tsukishima just stood there in shock and realized he was thinking you would hurt him and lie to him the way someone else did...

A/N : Sorry if this is bad :( Now that i'm re-reading it... it's a little cringe but ehh

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now