getting a little closer

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It's been 2 days since you talked to tsukki. You were packing the last of your things early in the morning getting ready to leave so you could get to the school on time for the training camp.

"I put your bags in the truck already y/n. are you ready to leave?" Ukai came back inside the house.

"Yes i'm almost ready i'm just looking for my other shoe." you said looking under the couch. You check next to your dogs bed and there it was. You put it on then got up and cleaned yourself up.

"The neighbor already said they would take good care of d/n so you don't have to worry." Your dad said patting the dogs head and poured food into his plate. "Let's go, we don't wanna be late".

You both walked down the driveway and got into the car. Your dad stopped by the market really quick to get some extra snacks.

You got to the school and saw that most of the team was already there waiting for the bus to get there. Ukai dropped you off to be with them  while he parked his truck somewhere safe in the school for the week you guys were gonna be away.

"hey y/n- YOU HAVE SNACKS!" noya came running to you.

You laughed but quickly moved the bag of snacks away from him. "These are mine, that you very much" you walked to the team leaving him behind.

"Where are the others?" you said looking around, you didn't see tsukishima.

"Tsukishima and yamaguchi are already on their way. But Hinata and Kageyama have to stay behind because they didn't pass their test, but they will be there later on" Daichi said as he grabbed your bag to put it with everyone else's.

You walked up to Yachi and Kiyoko who were holding a bag of sandwiches. "Hey girls! how's your morning so far".

"It's okay, really tired but i'll be okay!" yachi first yawned and stood up straight.

She was always so happy and ready to learn more things. You talked to them for about 10 minutes when the bus finally arrived. The team still waited for tsukishima and yamaguchi since they said they were almost there.

About 5 minutes passed and tsukishima was finally there. You finished putting your stuff into the bus and went to sit down. You were in the middle part of the bus and your dad was on the opposite side but one seat up to watch you.

Even though he trusted you he didn't trust the team fully and by team he means tanaka and noya. Tsukishima came in with yamaguchi but yamaguchi decided to sit with yachi.

"Is this seat taken?" tsukishima said to you as he pointed to the empty seat next to you.

"Nope, come on." you smiled at him and tapped the seat.

He was about to sit down when he heard ukai yell "Hey! she gets her own seat."

He apologized and was about to walk away when you grabbed his wrist. "No IM NOT. It's okay come sit."

You pulled him to sit down then you turn your head to your dad and glared at him basically telling him to leave you alone.

"uhm- c-can I get the window seat?" tsukishima asked looking away.

"Oh! sure." you smiled and got up so he could sit down by the window.

*Tsukki's pov*

About an hour passed and I had my headphones in, y/n was playing some type of car parking game on her phone and i just watched her get angry when she couldn't get the car to park correctly.

Yamaguchi had told me he was going to sit with yachi so i could talk to y/n but I couldn't find myself to do it.

Another hour passed by and I was getting sleepy so I turned my music all the way up and tried to relax, but then i felt something fall into my shoulder. I look down to see y/n sleeping on my shoulder with her mouth a little opened. She had a blanket over her whole body as she snuggled into my arm. I couldn't help but get really red, I could feel coach ukai's glare but i didn't bother looking.

*third person*

Tanaka and noya were both awoken by daichi and suga.

"what is it suga?" tanaka said to suga. All suga did was smile and point at y/n and tsukishima.

Y/n was leaning on tsukishima and he had his head on top of hers with his headphones in. Tanaka quickly pulled out his phone and snapped at least 3 pictures for blackmail later.

Everyone found it so cute but ukai was completely bothered by the fact that out of all the guys y/n chose to like tsukishima's rude ass.

*Tsukki's Pov*

We finally arrived to the training camp and there was other buses already there from different schools. When I woke up y/n was still on my shoulder until her dad woke her up.

We got out of the bus and every stretched their bodies. I spotted y/n from the corner of my eye and I saw her talking with yachi and kiyoko, they were all just smiling .

"That's a nice view am I right?" tanaka came and crossed his arms and just smiled.

"No" Tsukki said.

"Tsukishima if you like her just tell her already." tanaka says as he crossed his arms.

"I don't know what your talking about" Tsukki said starting to walk away. Tanaka stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

"oh really? it's been awhile since that day you chased after her when she ran off crying." he said smirking at tsukishima. "oh and by the way if you don't do it sooner you can kiss her goodbye.".

"Tanaka I have a lot of time" Tsukishima says as he released himself from tanakas grip.

"dude.. you don't have a lot of time." tanaka says as he turns tsukishima's body to your direction.

Tsukishima's eyes widened when he saw a tall guy with black hair that looked like a rooster help you with some bags. He was smiling at you and make you laugh a little. He saw you walk away with him and he felt like his heart was just torn out of his chest.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now