My Forever ♥︎

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Days turned into weeks, Weeks turned into months, Months turned into years. It was now the summer going into college. You and Tsukishima have been dating for 3 years now. Surprisingly to you, you got into the same college as tsukishima... well that was the plan.

You were at home waiting for tsukishima to pick you up since he was taking you out for boba.

Incoming call...

"You said you were waiting outside already, I don't see you and i've been honking for 3 minutes" Tsukishima said over the phone with annoyance in his voice.

"Okay yeah i lied. I was still laying down but i'm up now! i'm going downstairs just give me a minute" with that you hung up the phone.

You ran around your room looking through all your boxes of clothes. You were specifically looking for your lovers bracelet. That was the bracelet Tsukishima got you both when he first said "I Love You".

You looked around one more time before you spotted it on top of the box of shoes.

The reason you had so many boxes everywhere was actually a simple reason. You're moving out. Since the college you will be attending is in tokyo; you and tsukishima decided to move in together in a small apartment close by the school. Yeah it'll be hard at first but you and tsukishima both a good enough jobs to split the rent in half.

"Okay dad Kei's outside! I'll be going now!" you said as you grabbed your bag by the door.

"okay! be careful and tell him to drive safe. I'll be taking Aya for dinner tonight so I won't be home" he shouted from his room. Aya was Ukais girlfriend he has been dating for 2 years now, you really liked her a lot and it was hard for Ukai to mention it at first but you told him you wanted him to be happy. When he introduced you two, you guys hit it off right away. She's kind of like your best friend now.

"Okay have fun and tell her i said hello!" you shouted back as you code the door.

You walk to outside to see Tsukishima parked in the driveway as he swiped through his phone. You hopped into the car and saw that he was scrolling to choose a song.

"Hey babe" you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Shortcake that wasn't a proper kiss" he said as he grabbed your jaw with his right hand and kissed you on the lips. "mmm favorite" he licked his lips since he can taste your chapstick smiling at you as you smiled back.

He started pulling out of the driveway and started to drive into the busy city. During the car drive you chose the songs, both of you singing along to the song. He was holding your hand as he drove through the hills.

Once you guys got to the city tsukishima decided he was going to park in the public parkings and just walk to the boba place.

"Kei it's gonna be hot today, why did you bring a black long sleeve." you glared at him.

"It's a nice shirt babe, besides at least i won't get a tan. Like SOMEONE who had a bathing suit tan." he said as you both hopped out of the car.

"Hey! I told you not to talk about it yesterday!" you said as you threw your wallet at him.

"you looked so funny though! when your naked it looks like still had on the bathing suit" he said as he grabbed your wallet off the floor and walked over to you.

"You're mean! that's the last time I please your horny ass during the summer!" you yanked his arm that was around your shoulders away.

He laughed and put his arm back around your shoulders.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now