get to know them

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Once you all got to the top of the roof you sat down next to yamaguchi and you opened your lunch bag. You just had a cold meat bun that you didn't really feel like eating so you decided to put it away back in your bag and took out your juice.

"y/n aren't you gonna eat something?" yamaguchi asked you looking up from his lunch.

"uhm- i had a meat bun but it's cold so i'll stick to my bar and juice." You say smiling at him.

"oh- here take half of my chicken wrap, i'm not gonna finish it all since it's too big" He hands you half of his wrap smiling at you. You take it out of his hands and thank him.

You didn't notice but tsukishima watched all of this happen and he was just staring at you enjoying the wrap.

*Lunch was over*

The three of you starting walking back to class and a boy stopped you.

"h-hey y/n I wanted to ask you something." The boy asked you nervously.

You didn't recognize him "wait do I know you?" you ask.

"n-no you don't but i'm hoping you will soon" he smiled at you. "I wanted to ask if I could show you around the school since you're new".

Shocked that someone talked to you you smiled at him "sure that would be great! thank you"

"My name is Brian by the way" He giggled at little and shook your hand.

"nice meeting you but i have to get to class now before it's late" You smile at him and walk away. You get to class and sit down infront of tsukishima and pay attention in class.

A couple hours later class ended and you left before tsukishima and yamaguchi. You were about to exit the school but you spotted your dad walking into the gym so you went after him.

You were walking into the gym "hey da- oh... uhm hi everyone" You saw everyone stretching and they all looked up at you once you entered.

"y/n come meet kiyoko our team manager" Daichi said calling out for you.

You walked up to daichi, ukai, and a beautiful girl with black hair and glasses. Wow she was gorgeous. "Hello i'm Kiyoko Shimizu, You must be y/n the coaches daughter" kiyoko bowed.

"yeah hi i'm Y/n Ukai, I'm a first year." You bowed down after her.

"I was speaking with your father and the team and we were hoping you could become our assistant manger with yachi, After I graduate i'll be leaving and I need to leave someone here to watch them for me" she started speaking to you and you got excited because you wouldn't be going home early and you get to spend more time getting to know the team.

You looked around and saw the whole team just staring at you wonder what your answer will be. You stopped at tsukishima though; he was kind of rude to the rest of the team but for some reason you liked how he teased you even if it was the first day at school. You started to blush and you looked away quickly "sure id love to" You said smiling at her, she got excited and hugged you and she thanked you.

The whole team jumped and welcomed you to the team. Tanaka came back running with a team jacket. "FOR YOU OUR CUTE Y/N" He handed you the jacket, you laughed and put it on.

They all jumped in excitement and hinata came up to you, "You're going to do great y/n!".

You smiled at him and looked back up to see tsukishima staring at you but when he saw that you noticed so he looked away quickly. You laughed and decided to go up to him.

"hellooo tsukishima" you smiled at him. He looked down at you and just stared at you.

"What do you want?" He said fixing his practice jersey.

"Aren't you excited i'm on the team" you said to him.

"No, more annoyance will be on the team." He said looking away.

"wow i just met you today and you're already calling me annoying" You rolled your eyes and crossed your hands.

"I don't need to speak to you to know you're gonna be annoying" he said said looking back at you.

He stared into your eyes once he turned back to look at you. You stared back at him and you could see that he started to turn and little pink. "Are you okay? you're turning a little pink". you said pointing at him cheeks.

He quickly stiffened up and turned around "shut up shorty i'm fine" he said that as he started walking to yamaguchi and suga.

After an hour you were going to go meet up with the boy that asked you to hang out with him. The team was on a break and tsukishima saw you leaving so he made an excuse to go next to the door.

"Leaving already?" he smirked at you.

"Yup i'm gonna go hang out with brian, i did say yes anyways" you say smiling back at him.

His smirk turned back to an emotionless face "Oh you're actually gonna hang out with him?".

"well yeah I don't have anything better to do, and maybe i'll fall in love or something" You say crossing your arms and smirking a little.

"whatever, hope you fall on your way out" he said sarcastically while walking away.

You just rolled your eyes and headed out of the gym. You weren't actually gonna meet up with him, you were just wondering what tsukishima would think but it sounded like he didn't care.

You ended up just waiting outside on a bench for about 2 hours but you got so bored so you decided just to go home. Once you got home you said hi to your dog and went to go change into your regular clothes so you could walk your dog.

About 30 minutes passed by and you started walking your dog to your dads market. Practice was over so you thought you'd see your dad.

You got to the corner of the street where you could see the market and you saw the whole team walking to the market. You ended up just walking around so you could go through the back but you dropped your keys. Once you were about to pick them up you saw shoes behind you

"STAY BACK ILL KICK YOUR ASS DONT TRY ME" you yelled and put up your hands while your eyes were closed.

"if you're gonna kick my ass shouldn't your eyes at least be opened" tsukishima said while picking up your keys.

"jeez tsukishima you scared the crap out of me. I thought you were gonna kidnap me or something" you sighed in relieve. You looked up at him and just stared into his eyes.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now