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*Tsukki's POV*

"You need to apologize tsukki!" yamaguchi said as they walked to the park.

"I don't understand why I should apologize! He pushed her! You don't expect me to just walk away like that do you?!" tsukishima turned around and just stood there looking at yamaguchi.

"No but-"

"Exactly No! I don't care if he just pushed her and didn't hurt her at all he shouldn't have touched her at all!" tsukishima started walking again.

"Tsukki she told you to let it be! Don't you know why?! For goodness sake we were at a funeral! She wanted you there to comfort because she lost someone she thought she couldn't live without and i'm pretty sure she just wanted to go home with you that's why she was trying to pull you away." Tsukishima stopped walking in his tracks and just stood there.

"Instead of fighting back you could have dropped it and comforted her. Which is why you're gonna do something about it to make it up to her." tsukishima looked back and saw yamaguchi mad with his arms crossed.

"No Ill just wait until she isn't mad anymore" tsukishima started walking again.

"Tsukki stop being so stubborn..." yamaguchi sighed "I'm gonna go home now, I'll see you monday" yamaguchi turned around and walked the other way.

Tsukishima just stood there watching him walk away and he started to think. He realized he was being stubborn so he decided that he would go to your house tomorrow morning to apologize to you.


*The next day*

When you got home you locked yourself in your room the rest of the day. Not once did you leave your room. Ukai would leave lunch bags every 4 hours with food and snacks outside your room. You couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, you were so angry at tsukishima... you told him to drop it. Couldn't he see all you wanted was to be with him for the rest of the day? to fill this whole you have in your heart?.

It was 8 in the morning and you left your room to go get some water.

Ukai saw you enter the kitchen and smiled at you "Hey there pretty girl, I made you your favorite breakfast! Chocolate chip pancakes!"

He showed you a large plate piled with big pancakes. You couldn't help but smile. It was crazy to you that he knew exactly how to make you smile.

"Thanks dad.." you said softly as you smiled and sat down on a chair by counter table.

"Here you go! A special order for a special little girl!" he put a plate infront of you and you smiled at it because he had made a smiley face with sliced strawberries and tried to make hair with some whipped cream and chocolate drizzle. He also put a smaller plate on the size with some eggs and bacon and a cold cup of milk. (lmao sorry i've been craving this for a while now :D)

Ukai sat down next to you and had his own plate. As you guys enjoyed your breakfast together you heard a knock on the door.

Ukai looked at you confused.

"why are YOU looking at me confused, aren't I suppose to looked confused as ask if you were expecting anyone?" you made a sarcastic face and laughed a little.

You went to the door to open it. You just stood there looking at them.

"Hey y/n... we wanted to come say goodbye to you before we go back to New York." Emily was standing at your doorstep with everyone else behind her.

You offered for them to come in but they said no because they had to go to the airport already.

They all said their goodbyes, hugged you tightly, took selfies with you, and tears were shedding everywhere.

Finally it was just ferny standing infront of you.

"We'll wait in the car for you but hurry please." emily said to ferny as she waved bye at you.

"I- I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. It was stupid of me to do that, I was being an idiot. I don't know why I started a fight at the place your mother was, that was very disrespectful of me and I'm so sorry! I hope you can forgive me! I want you to know that even though we aren't together like I always wanted us to be I'm your friend! Your bestfriend! I love you y/n please remember that i'm always here for you no matter what!" Ferny was bowing the whole time he was saying that then looked up at you with tears in his eyes.

Even though he always tried his best to make you fall in love with him he was your best friend and he knew that you loved him as your friend and nothing more.

You sighed "I forgive you fern...".

He smiled so wide and jumped in for a hug "Thank you y/n ! I promise nothing like this will ever happen again ! please keep texting us every time you can to stay in touch!".

His arms around your neck were getting tighter. You forgot how it felt to hug your best friend, he always smelled like cinnamon for some reason and you always made fun of him for that. You put your arms around him with hesitation, but you knew a hug always made him feel better.

*Tsukki's POV*

He had bought you some sunflowers since he knew those were your favorite. He was getting closer to your house but once he turned the corner he saw another car in the driveway way so he thought maybe you had some guests over. He was still going to pass bye anyways just to see you.

Once he got to the entrance of the driveway his good mood went away. He saw you wrap your arms around the boy that had pushed you.

His heart had sank once again seeing you being held by another boy. His sadness quickly turned into anger, he huffed then started walking back to his house.

Once he entered his house his brother came to greet him "Hey how'd it go?- woah what happened? why do you still have the flowers?"

"Another guy was there, here take them. Give them to mom or something" Tsukki said as he tossed the flowers to his brother then walked away to his room and closed the door.

A/N: Hey Hey ! 😃 Sorry this ones shorter but uhm yeah hope you enjoyed! I'm eating chocolate covered pretzels 😌

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