~Study Date~

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(This chapter is longer than the other ones~ sorry:( not really 😏) This chapter had lemon so if you don't like that skip this one ❤️

Once morning practice was over you cleaned up the gym with kiyoko and the team.

The rest of the team finished putting everything away so tsukishima waited for you outside with yamaguchi so they could walk with you to class.

"Okay kiyoko i'll be heading out now! see you later" you waved bye as you walked out of the door.

"Hey guys! ready to go?" you walked up to the boys and smiled at them.

Yamaguchi smiled at you as you grabbed onto to tsukishima's arm; you were gonna grab his hand but it was in his pocket so you just grabbed his arm instead.

You walked into the building with the boys and you could feel eyes on you.

Since Tsukishima was pretty popular with the ladies they always stared at you with a dirty look on their faces or some of them would be shocked because tsukishima didn't look like he'd be the type to have a soft spot for anyone.

"heh~ For someone who hates attention you sure do get a lot of it" you jokingly say looking at at tsukishima as you guys get to class.

"tsukki was always popular even if he didn't like it!" yamaguchi says to you as you guys sat down.

"tadashi" tsukishima glared at him.

"sorry tsukki" yamaguchi calmed down and opened his backpack.

You just laughed as you opened your book because class was about to start.

About 2 hours passed bye and you were doing a test.

'I just know i'm gonna fail this, I hate math...' You say to yourself in your head and you write down your name.

You went up to your teachers desk and put the test on the box. You were one the lasts one to finish your test.

Tsukishima of course was one of the first ones.

You sat back down and plopped your head on the table and sighed.

"didn't study did you?" tsukishima snickers at you.

"...no" you closed your owns while your cheek was touch the cold desk.

"hah you're gonna fail" tsukishima says in a cocky voice.

You stuck out the middle finger at him "eat it".

School ended and tsukishima was waiting for you in the front of the class building.

Once he saw you he took off his headphones and waited for you to grab his arm. You grabbed it and just looked at your test you got back that morning.

"what's the grade?" he says trying to look at the paper.

you both were heading to the gym as you passed him your paper.

"...36% ?! really y/n?! Why didn't you study?" He made you let go of his arm so you could look at him.

"kei I forgot!" you huffed at him as you snatched your paper back and shoving it in your bag.

"how do you forget that you have a test today?" he looked at confused yet his face was full of rudeness.

You sighed as you began to walk "...her funeral is this weekend and that's all i've been able to think about".

"We have another test tomorrow, I'll come over today after practice to help you study and take your mind off of it for a little okay?" You both stopped infront of the gym doors.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now