Cutely annoying

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*Y/n POV*

*This was after school* haha lazy ness 🤠

School ended and you basically didn't bother tsukki at all today, didn't even bother going to lunch with him. Instead you went to the library. You walked into the gym and saw everyone sitting down on the ground waiting.

"Hey everyone! What's going on?" You asked waving at everyone.

"Coach said he had an announcement so we're all just waiting for him to get here" Suga said smiling at you.

"Oh alright then i'll go take out the equipment and fill up water bottles while you guys wait" you said walking to the equipment room.

You were in there for about 20 minutes cleaning the some of the volleyballs when you heard the whole team yell in excitement.

You ran outside quickly "WHATS GOING ON ARE YOU OKAY" you said freaking out.

"y/n we're going to a training camp IN TOKYO!" tanaka came running to you and picked you up, he started jumping around with you in his arms. Then noya and hinata came and started jumping with you guys.

"OKAY OKAY YOU CAN PUT ME DOWN TANAKA-SENPAI" calling tanaka senpai always made him nervous and basically fall in love with you which is why you say it so he could listen to you.

He was about to hug you again but you put your hand on his forehead "Personal bubble please baldy" you said and then you walked away.

"I love when she calls me senpai" tanaka said with a wide smile on his face. "But she kills my vibe with the baldy card she pulls a lot" he rolled his eyes.

You were gonna walk up to your dad but then you spotted tsukki. You were debating if you should go up to him but you remembered that he probably hates you.... or he doesn't hate you and he secretly enjoys it. You walked up to him anyways.

"Tsukkiiiiiiii" you went up behind him and just smiled at him while closing your eyes.

"What do you need shorty" he said not even turning around.

"Are you gonna go to the training camp?" You went to go stand infront of him.

"Yes. I have to, I am part of the team after all." He said looking away from his phone. "Are you going?".

"I don't know... i still have to ask my dad if i'm allowed you, even though i think i am gonna be able to since i am basically the assistant manager." You said looking around then back to him.

Tsukki just stood there staring at you while you spoke, he liked when you talked to him even though he was dry with his answers. He kept thinking about all the things you both could do together but he cut off his own thoughts.

"Are you okay? you've been staring at me for like 2 minutes" You giggled and grabbed his arm. That made him flustered since it was basically the first time you've ever touched him.

"i- uh- i'm fine, your being weird. go away" he said pulling his arm away and started shooing you away. You got sad since he has been pushing you away a lot.

You were happy with your friends... they were all super nice and fun to be around. Most of the boy make you laugh a lot, making you basically forget your reality. Life at home isn't bad at all, it's great. Ukai treats you to almost anything since he's missed so much of your childhood but since you grew up with your mother it's like if a piece of your heart was missing. Even though you seem happy when your with them... at home when your dad isn't home you cry a lot. You missed your mom so much, you talked to her about everything. You don't know why but talking to tsukki made you feel a way you haven't felt since your mother passed.

You went to go sit down on the floor next to the door, it's a bad thing leaving you alone with your thoughts. You started to remember memories you had with your mom and tears started falling down your face and they were hitting the ground. You tried not to make it obvious but you saw your dad walking up to you.

"Y/n it's okay, I'm right here" ukai bent down and hugged you. "Do you want to step outside for a little bit? I promise we can talk when we go home". You nodded and he helped you get up. This caught the whole team's attention, especially tsukishima's. He couldn't help but think he's the one that made you cry, he didn't know why but something inside him didn't like the fact that he made you cry.

Without telling anyone where he was going he went outside to go after you.

"Tsukishima where are you going-" suga was gonna go after him but yamaguchi stopped him.

"It's okay suga, tsukishima is gonna go fix something" yamaguchi gave suga a small smile and everyone looked at yamaguchi wondering what he was talking about.

You were outside sitting on a bench still with tears filling your eyes when a someone blocked the sun. You looked up and saw tsukki, but you thought it was your dad.

"Oh gosh... Sorry!" You said looking back down and cleaning your tears away. He didn't say anything and just sat down next to you.

" Did you need anything? Anything i can help you with?" you ask drying your tears away and just smile at him.

"You don't have to act like your okay you know?" he says looking at your fake smile.

You were in shock that he even said that "what- what are you talking about? I am okay" You giggled a little and smiled.

He just stared at your fake smile again and frowned "Why are you crying".

You sighed. You didn't want to tell him because of how much you think he hates you already.

"You don't have to tell me" he got up and was about to walk away but your grabbed his wrist.

"The day my mom passed away was the day I knew my happiness was never going to return. As much as I distract myself i can't get her off my mind. It hurts knowing I don't have the person i trusted the most anymore...." You went on about how much your heart aches. Tsukki sat there and just listened, he listened to every single thing you said. He felt bad about everything, but some how it made him like you even more. Knowing that you needed comfort and he wanted to be that special person you trusted the most.

"... that's basically why I don't like being alone or why i'm not allowed to be alone". You finished talking and you realized you basically poured your heart out to him. "i- i am so sorry! I didn't mean to talk that much! ugh you probably hate me".

"It's okay don't worry, i'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me how you feel. Hopefully talking about it helps you" he says as he gets up and slowly walks away. "Oh and by the way... I don't hate you. Yeah you're annoying... but in a cute way, I wouldn't mind having you around to annoy me all the time" He turned around and gave you a smirk then walked away.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now