"You're mine... I'm Yours"

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You woke up Monday morning still very tired.

You accidentally stayed up until 4 in the morning talking on the phone with tsukishima.

"Y/n hurry up or you'll be missing your ride!" Ukai yelled from downstairs.

You got up and went to your door to open it "but you're my ride?".

"exactly! You have 20 minutes or i'm leaving you here" he yells back.

You quickly shut the door and ran everywhere around your room looking for your clothes. You couldn't find your uniform anywhere until you remembered that you had put it to wash last night.

You went downstairs to the dryer and took them out. Passing by the kitchen you saw Ukai packing yours and his lunch. You ran back upstairs and changed quickly.

You did your hair and light makeup today since you didn't have time.

"Alrighty kiddo, here's your lunch and let's get going" ukai gave you your lunch as you both headed out of the house.

You guys got into the car and he started driving you to school.

"so dad... any news about the funeral?" you asked ukai with a sad face.

"uh yeah it's actually in two weeks from now, Your moms side of the family agreed to bury her here in miyagi... for you" he said quietly.

You just looked straight at the road, you didn't want to move. The pain grew and grew bigger everyday, at least you'd be able to see your mom whenever you wanted because she was going to be buried here.

Once you got the the school Ukai put the car in park "hey... don't think about it okay? just go on with your day at school then if you'd like you can go home. You don't have to come to practice if you just want to be alone." He moved your hair and tucked it behind your ear.

"yeah I think I wanna be alone today" you said getting you brag and hopping out of the car.

"okay that's totally fine, I'll see you later pretty girl. Love you; have a good day" he waved at you and drove off.

*Tsukki's POV*

He was waiting with the team infront of the school since that's where they hangout sometimes and he sees you hop out of the car.

Tsukishima was excited to see you and talk to you but he noticed something was off. You didn't have a smile on your face like usual, instead you were cleaning away tears with a tissue.

He watched the way you fixed your skirt then took a deep breathe and started walking.

Tsukishima was going to walk up to you but he stopped when he saw the brian kid walk up to you instead, he waved you hello and you waved back walking up to him.

"Tch" tsukki layed back onto the wall.

"what's wrong tsukki?" yamaguchi asked.

"Nothing" is all tsukishima said.

"I know what's wrong you jealous bastard, don't think we didn't see her either" tanaka said crossing his arms and smiling at tsukishima.

"yeah, we always keep a good eye out for our managers" noya added.

"You didn't like that guy saying hello to her and walking her to class" tanaka smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"tch. whatever I have a class to get to" tsukishima walked away and yamaguchi followed behind him waving bye to the team.


School started 3 hours ago and it was now break.

You sat on your desk alone with your music up high, you didn't feel like being productive today since you were still overthinking about this morning.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now