A day to remember

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*Tsukki's pov*

*the night before*


"hi it's me tsukishima..."

"oh hey skinny, what do you need?..." kuroo answered

"HEY TSUKKI ITS ME BOKUTO!"  bokuto in the background

"I asked her out on a date and i don't know what to do.."

"REALLY?!! *clears throat* i mean really?... well did you want something indoors? outdoors? restaurant?-"

"no! I want it to just be me and her.. no one else. something simple and nice"

"hmmm... bokuto said you can do a picnic?"

"okay i'll just do that, it sounds easy and it'll be nice to be outdoors."

"tell us how it goes okay!" bokuto screamed from the back.

"sure.. thanks for the help"

Tsukishima hung up the phone and headed home to get everything ready.

*Y/n Pov*

(This is what tsukki is wearing btw )

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(This is what tsukki is wearing btw )

"a picnic tsukki?! that's so cute!" you jumped around as you kept hugging him.

"It's not much but I thought it would be nice to have it nice and simple" he rubbed the back of his neck

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"It's not much but I thought it would be nice to have it nice and simple" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"no! this is perfect! come one let's sit down" you lead him to the side where there was a spot for both of you.

You sat down and started eating some strawberries. Tsukishima just sat there watching you pick at everything.

"are you gonna let me eat it all my self or are you gonna get some?" you said as you bit into a piece of bread.

He giggled and grabbed a plate.

You guys sat there for about 3 hours just talking about your days and what you did in the morning and you also learned about tsukishima's past and why he is the way he is. You also learned more about his friendship with yamaguchi.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now