Rainy Day

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A week had passed since your dinner with the Tsukishima Family. Everything went well during the week; it was a normal week.

It was saturday, it was raining like there was no tomorrow. It was raining so hard that your driveway turned into a stream of water.

The rain was always so relaxing to you, how beautiful it looked outside with the cloudy sky as it cried, how the wind blew on trees and bushes, the way the water drops would race down your window, it was all so perfect and calming to you.

You were still laying in bed since you had no where to be anyways. It was 11 in the morning, Ukai had left for work around 7.

You went downstairs to make yourself some breakfast. That was until you heard a knock on the door.

You weren't expecting anyone so you kinda freaked out and turned off all the lights, as your dog started barking at the door "Shut the hell up !" you whisper yell. You look out the window only to see tsukishima drenched, you gasp and go to open the door quickly.

"About time you open the door, I was getting cold" tsukki says as he walks through the door.

"You scared me! you should've said something about you coming over" you said as your threw the broom to the side.

"So you thought you were gonna get robbed or something and instead of grabbing something that could hurt the person like...hmmm i don't know... a knife?! you grab a broom?!" tsukki says to with a face that's basically calling you stupid.

"Oh i'm sorry that my first thought was to grab a broom?! that HAS a stick?!" you said with sarcasm in your voice as you walked to the kitchen and tsukishima follow behind you.

"Take off the jacket kei you're gonna get sick" you said as you grab a bowl.

"I know i'm not stupid, thank you very much" he said as he sat down on the chairs by the counter.

"okay you know what that's the last time I care about you" you roll your eyes and turn around to face the stove. You were in the middle of make broccoli cheddar soup for the cold rainy day.

Tsukishima just sat there watching you as you mixed all the ingredients together. He watched your figure as you moved around to grab things. Your hair was being help up with a hair claw clip and you had a tank top on with some very short shorts.  He slowly got up from the chair and walked to you.

(It gets spicy so if your uncomfortable with that you can skip 😙)

As he stood behind you he snaked his arms around your waist as he bent down to lay his chin on the top of your head.

"Go sit down asshole" you said as you mixed the soup.

"Shortcakes you know I didn't mean it that way~" he said that as he slowly lowered his head to place small kisses around your left shoulder up to your neck.

The kisses caused you to get the chills "k-kei not right now" you said as you tried to push him off of you.

"What? i'm not doing anything? I'm just showing my girlfriend some love" he said as he continues to place kisses around your neck up to your jawline then to your cheek. With his right hand he used his index finger to turn your face to look at him. He looked at your face for at least a minute just watching as your face grew more and more red the second.

He wrapped his fingers around your jaw as he pulled you up a little as he leaned down to kiss you. He kissed you so passionately it gave you chills. As the kiss grew more intense he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance and right when you opened your mouth he pushed his tongue in not waiting a second more. At this point you let go of the spatula you were holding and moved to the side counter where you couldn't burn yourself. Both of you exploring eachother a mouth like if it was your first time. You guys swirled your tongues around playing with each other, he started sucking on your tongue as he grabbed your ass and you put your arms around his neck. He lifted you up to sit on the chair, you both let go gasping for air as a string of saliva connected to both of your mouths.

He leaned down to your neck to leave wet kisses all around, his hands roaming your body. He started rubbing up and down your thighs as every second passed by he would rub closer to your womanhood. He leaned in to start kissing you again but as he did that he started rubbing your womanhood from the outside of your shorts. " you're so wet already... I love it when you're excited~" You started to moan into the kiss as he slipped his fingers through the side of your shorts.

Since you were sitting on the edge of the seat and you were already so wet it was easy for him to slip his ring and middle finger into you. That took you by surprise "f-fuck" you grabbed onto his shoulders as he smirked. He started thrusting his fingers in and out of you as you moaned into his ear. He loved the sounds you made so to hear them he started thrusting his fingers faster and harder. "oh- f-fuck kei!" your legs started shaking as you felt a familiar knot starting to form in your stomach. To chase your orgasm you spreader your legs more so his fingers could go deeper. You started panting then finally you came onto his fingers.

He took out his fingers then licked them clean as he just watched you panting trying to catch your breath. You reached to put your hand on his waistband so you could please him next but then you heard bubbling noises so you turn your head and saw that your soup was about to over flow.

You had totally forgotten about your soup so you hopped off the chair walking to the pot. Tsukishima smiled as he saw that once you hopped off the chair your legs would tremble.

"Sit down let me serve you a bowl, but be careful it's hot" you said as you pour some soup into a bowl for tsukishima.

You put the bowl in front of him so he could eat but he was waiting for you to serve yourself some too. After you put your bowl down you quickly put some garlic bread into the oven.

As you waited for the bread you took out the fresh lemonade Ukai made early in the morning and set it down in the middle of the table.

The alarm went off so you grabbed the plate of bread and headed to the table and put it down next to the lemonade. Tsukishima was watching you the whole time as you came to sit in front of him you smiled at him.

You started mixing the soup around with your spoon as a smile appeared on your face of how excited you were to eat.

"I love you" tsukishima said as he picked up his spoon.

You looked up at him and gave him a soft warm smile "I love you too".

You took a sip of the soup causing you to burn your tongue "ah- hot!".

Tsukishima chuckled "you idiot".

A/N: Hey hey hey! It was not suppose to go like this LMAO IDK WHAT HAPPENED 😭😭 But I did feel like adding spice so i guess it went well

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