Caught o_O

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(Damn yall read fast- I be taking my time😭) anyways here's another chapter for y'all since I'm having a good day☺️

It was the next morning and you woke up around 5 because of how sore you were. Your back was hurt really bad.

You got up to use the restroom but once you finished using it you realized you were bleeding "am I on my period?".

"wait- no I just ended it last week... holy shit- did he tear it?" You say to yourself as you wash your hands.

You were done changing and as you were putting on your shoes Ukai starts to open the door. You notice the condoms on your desk so you grabbed them quickly and shove them in your sweater pocket.

"Hey y/n how was your study date last night?" he says smiling at you.

"It was amaz- great! yeah uhm is breakfast ready?" you ask getting your bag and putting it over your shoulders.

"oh yeah breakfast is downstairs, I also packed your lunch for you today" He smiled at you as he watched you grab your phone and bag.

He noticed something "..hey y/n at with alright? You're limping?".

"huh? oh! yeah I forgot to tell you that I tripped on my way downstairs when Kei left" you rubbed the back of your neck.

"y/n you have to be more careful, come on i'll give you some advil maybe that will help with the headache you told me about." he walked downstairs and you sighed.

Once you were done eating you took some advil .

One New Message from Kei<3

I'm outside hurry up shortcakes

Okay give me 2 minutes

"He's outside dad see you in a little once you get to practice" you wave at him as you slowly walk out.

You started getting used to the pain so you walked faster.

Tsukishima just watched you walk down the driveway limping.

He started bursting out laughing once you got to him "You look so stupid".

"Shut up! you're the one that did this to me" You raised your voice at him as you grabbed onto his arm.

You both started walking and he kept taking little glances at you. You noticed that so you decided to speak up.

"what is it kei? just say whatever your gonna say already" you look at him annoyed.

He chuckled "I was gonna say I had a good time last night..".

You turned a little pink "y-yeah I did too"

Once you both saw the rest of the team he whispered into your ear "you felt really good".

That caused you to turn really red "k-kei!! really?!" You punch him and he just laughs.

"Hey you two! come one we better get going" Daichi says as he waved at you two; you both waved back.

The whole walk to the school you were just talking with tsukishima and yamaguchi as the rest were having their own conversations.

Once you got there everyone got ready right away and morning practice went as usual. You hyping everyone up, writing things down as you learned a lot from kiyoko.

It was finally time for class and you walked with tsukishima.

"Okay class today's test is much easier and it will end quickly if you studied" the sensei said as she passed the tests around.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now