playing hard to get

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"here are your keys, nice dog by the way" tsukishima said giving you your keys.

you turned a little red because while he was giving you your keys you touched his hand, it was cold.

You were about to speak but you heard your father yell, "Y/N ISNT HOME, I CANT FIND HER" ukai yelled. You quickly unlocked the back door and ran inside with your dog and tsukishima behind you.

"dad! dad! i'm right here! don't worry i'm okay! I was heading here already when i left." you came in from the back door and everyone just stared at you with a shocking look.

"what are you all staring at me for" you asked confused. You noticed your dad looked angry and was glaring at something.

You finally realize that tsukishima was behind you so it probably looks like something was happening. You look behind you and saw tsukishima looking to the side with a little pink on his line across his face.

"dad you can stop glaring at him we weren't doing anything, We were just talking outside" you said going up to your dad and hugging him.

"You guys have 20 minutes then i want all of you out of here alright?" Ukai said looking at everyone. They all nodded and sat down at the tables and you joined them.

You all were talking and having fun, they all got to know you a little more and you got to learn a little more about them. You learned that they were all basically in love with Kiyoko excepted for the first years. You also learned that hinata and kageyama fight A LOT about almost everything and tsukishima was a little bit of an asshole.

Finally it was time for you to go since you had to walk your dog a little more before you went back home. "alright guys it's time for me to head out, I have to walk him before i go back home" you stood up and everyone nodded but they also got up with you.

"Yeah i think it's time we all go back home" Daichi said as he made everyone get out.

"Y/n just wait here, I don't want you walking home by yourself this late" Ukai said walking out to call you.

"dad it's okay i'll be fine, i have d/n to protect me" you said patting your dogs head.

"what's a dog gonna do? box?" tsukishima said smirking at you.

"ohhh you wanna see what he can do to protect the one he loves" you smirked knowing your dog was trained to protect you.

"no no no! y/n ! don't even think about it! trust me tsukishima you don't wanna see what that dog can do" ukai said yelling at you then looking at tsukishima.

"tch" tsukishima put his headphones on and started walking away with tadashi right behind him.

*Tsukki's POV*

"Tsukki don't you think we should walk y/n to her house? It would be a kind gesture wouldn't it?" tadashi said looking at tsukishima.

"No she said it herself. she has her dog - and why are you so interested in y/n? do you like her or something?" Tsukishima said taking off his headphones.

"What?! No! i'm just trying to be nice and i noticed ..." tadashi stopped talking.

"noticed what." tsukishima said looking at tadashi

"I noticed the way you look at her... and the way she looks at you" he said a little bit too excited.

"Tadashi I don't know what your talking about, I don't look at her any way. Everything about her in annoying. When she talks, when she smiles, when she gets nervous around us. when- " tsukishima stopped talking when he noticed he was basically pointing out everything he liked about her.

"see... tsukki maybe you should try telling her" tadashi said nervously.

"tell her?! tell her what?! I don't have any feelings for her at all. we literally just met today. why are we even talking about this" tsukishima said angrily.

"sorry tsukki" tadashi said with a frown.


You got home and took off your shoes and your dogs leash and put them on the ground. You served your dog food then went into your bed and just closed your eyes and fell asleep.

*2 weeks passed by*

It's been about 2 and a half weeks since you moved here and you've gotten way closer to everyone on the team, Even tsukki. You call him tsukki now, he doesn't like it but you still say it anyways.

About 2 days ago you noticed how strong your feelings for him have become so you tried to get as close to him as possible but he always pushes you away. You didn't care since you knew deep down he liked you.

You got up from bed and got ready quickly because you wanted to walk your dog before you left. You got ready and left with your dog, once you were about to leave the front gate your dad threw a bag at your head.

"OW!??? DAD?!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR" You touched the back of your head and turned around to look at your dad.

"Eat your breakfast while your on your walk! You always come home late!" He said as he closed the door. might as well.

You started walking your dog and eating the sandwich your dad threw at you. You finished half of it when you bumped into tadashi.

"I'm sorry y/n ! I didn't see you there" Tadashi bowed and apologized.

You giggled a little "it's okay tadashi! don't worry I was heading home anyways so thanks for bumping into me!".

"oh- okay." he smiled slightly.

"Tadashi I have a question" you turned back around and looked at him.

"yes y/n?" he said looking at you.

"Does tsukishima hate me... he's kind of an asshole to me and maybe i'm annoying him" you said frowning a little.

He stood there in shock not knowing what to say. He couldn't say tsukki liked you, "i- wha- no! He doesn't hate you at all! He's actually a great and caring person once you get to know him deep down" he giggled not knowing what to say.

"right" you giggled a little and smiled back "well thanks for telling me he doesn't hate me"

*Tsukki's POV*

Tsukki overheard the whole conversation and felt kind of bad. He never noticed that maybe his rudeness towards you affected you that much.

Tadashi turned the corner and bumped into Tsukki "Oh tsukki sorry ! I didn't know you were around the corner."

"I think i'm gonna tell her soon" Tsukki said looking away. Tadashi was shocked but smiled right away.

"That's great tsukki! How are you gonna do it?" tadashi asked while they both started to walk to school.

"I don't know, I'll think of the easiest way and get it over with. I don't want her thinking i hate her" Tsukki said as he looked through his music.

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