Unexpected Fight

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Saturday Morning came by really fast.

It's been so long since you've seen your mother, even though she wasn't really gonna be looking at you; you were gonna be able to see her face one more time.

"hey.." Ukai opened the door slowly and saw you putting on your necklace.

"hey" you said as you put on a little pearl bracelet.

"I just came up to check if you were ready" he said looking around your room.

"Yeah i'll be down in a little bit" you said with a frown on your face.

Ukai left and closed the door.

You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time before grabbing your bag and shoes. While you put your shoes on you tried to fix your bed.

Once you went downstairs Ukai passed you a piece of toast as you both walked to the car.

About an hour passed and you finally arrived to the church you were going to meet at... where your mother was.

You hopped out of the car and saw the whole team outside waiting for you. You gave them a warm sad smile as you walked up to them and hugged each one of them.

Tsukishima held onto you a little longer than the others. You took in his smell since it was very comforting to you.

He kissed you on the cheek before letting you go from the hug.

You were looking around until you saw your old friends you had back in New York.

"Emily?" you said loud enough for them to hear.

She turned around and smiled brightly, the rest of your friends turned around too.

'Shit...ferny is here' You said to yourself in your head.

Ferny was a boy you met once you moved to New York, over the years he developeda crush on you and so did you. But he became very obsessed with the thought of you two dating which is why you rejected his confession. He was a great guy to you, always there for you no matter what he was going through. The problem was that he sometimes had no filter and would make jokes about you being his so other guys wouldn't talk to you.

You ran up to Emily and jumped into her arms "I can't believe you made it, all of you"

"Of course we would be here for you, we loved her too. She was my moms best friend" Emily said as she rubbed your back.

You smiled at her then greeted everyone else that was there.

A couple hours later the funeral was over and now everyone was watching as some men lowered the casket.

Tears running down your face like a waterfall as Ukai hugged you from the side.

Out of no where you broke down completely as you couldn't control the crying.

As you fell to your knees tsukishima came running to you and sat down next to you as you jumped onto him and cried on his shoulder.

Once your mother's grave was decorated with flowers everyone start to leave one by one. You just sat there staring at her grave.


You turn around to see Ferny standing infront of you.

"hi... uhm thanks for coming" you said as you cleaned up your tears.

He helped out his hand as you grabbed it to stand up.

"wow, heh I forgot how tall you were" you said looking at at him.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now