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*The last day of training camp*

You were the first one to wake up really early since you wanted to get ready first. The night before the coaches gave all the managers directions about the bbq day.

After you finished getting ready you walked to the kitchen to take out everything.

It's been about 2 days since tsukishima confessed to you and ever since you've both been too busy to talk since he had to practice and you had to help a lot more due to the barbecue day.

An hour passed and all the girls were in the kitchen getting ready to make the rice and drinks.

"Coach asked if one of the managers can be outside from each team?" Takeda came  in through the door.

"Sure I can go for my team!" Kaori says as she cleaned herself up.

"Y/n do you mind going? yachi and I can handle this" kiyoko says smiling at you.

"oh sure of course! just letting you know the lemons are in the left box on the shelf" you smile and quickly remove your gloves then you left.

You headed out of the kitchen with takeda and headed into the gym. You quickly ran to your team; sat down and picked up the book and pencil on the chair.

"hey dad what are we doing" you look around for the team but they weren't there.

"they're running up the hill again, can you pass them their water bottles." he hands you the bottles and you smiled and head outside.

You see some of them running down already so you put the water bottle holder down and hand them their bottles as they come down.

You saw tsukishima coming down and your heart started pumping really fast.

"here you go tsukki" you smile at him and give him his bottle.

He takes it out of your hand and sits down next to you "thank you shorty".

"do you know how many sets you have left?" you ask him

"I think we have two more, the coaches said they had a surprise for us after we were finished" he cleaned his sweat with his towel.

"oh! you guys are gonna love the surprise" you giggle remembering what they had for a surprise. You both just stared at eachother smiling for a while

Then Noya called you over to him to ask you about his receivings so you told tsukishima you'd be right back.

*Tsukki's POV*

As he watched your figure walk over to noya he blushed a little just watching you laugh and smile.

"You really like her don't you." Tsukishima looked up and saw Ukai looking down at him.

Tsukishima stood up quickly and just got really nervous he started playing with his fingers.     "yes coach I do."

Coach Ukai sighed "I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would come so soon. If you're gonna take her off my hands you have to do it correctly you hear me kid?".

"wait does that mean i'm allowed to ask her on a date?" tsukishima said with a serious yet calm voice.

"of course, as long as you take good care of her heart she'll take good care of yours." Ukai turned to give tsukishima a small side smile.

Tsukishima gave a small smile back and with that Ukai walked away and tsukishima looked back at you still talking with Nishinoya and Hinata. He did a sigh of relief and went back inside since everyone else was heading inside too.


*after practices were over*

Everyone met outside after they all showered and changed. Everyone stood around as the coaches did a little speech and after the speech all of the boy dug in.

You were walking around with some rice balls and passing them around to whoever wanted some more.

You side eye where tsukishima was, he was with kuroo, bokuto, akaashi, lev, hinata, and kenma but he was on his video game. You saw they were all eating except tsukishima.

You walked up to them "Hey boys! any more rice balls?".

"oh yes please!" bokuto grabbed two and handed one to akaashi. Hinata and kuroo also grabbed another one.

"Tsukishima would you like one?" you said stretching your hand a little more so the plate is closer to him.

"No thank you, I already ate one a while ago" he looked away.

You knew he didn't eat enough so you grabbed his face with the free hand you had and brought it down to your face level.

This caused tsukishima to turn really red at how close your face was to his. "You only had a little bit to eat, fill your stomach up a little more okay?" you gave him a smirk then let go of his face. You put a rice ball in his hand and then walked away.

*Tsukki's POV*

He was very flustered as he thought about what just happen.

The boys were all shocked "Wow she just left you speechless!" Hinata laughed a little pointing at him.

Tsukishima glared at hinata causing him to hide behind lev.

"Little man is right, she just kept you in check" Kuroo gave tsukishima a side smirk.

Tsukishima was a little confused "what do you mean by that?" he bit into the onigiri.

"Well she just knows what's right for you and your health. Y/n was right, you didn't eat a lot and i think she noticed that. Tsukki she's gonna notice every little thing you do no matter how much you try to hide it." kuroo wasn't done talking but bokuto cut him off.

"DID YOU SEE THE WAY SHE GAVE YOU A MISCHIEVOUS SMIRK?... she knew she was making you flustered" bokuto crossed his arms and smirked at tsukishima.

"She seems like someone that will keep you in check and have a little dominance". Akaashi said to tsukishima.

Tsukishima just stood there taking in everything they were saying. He turned to look at you and he saw you just laughing with noya and tanaka then you smacked tanakas bald head.

He smirked at himself a little "she's a really cool person, very open minded, bold but at the same time super shy, dumb sometimes but that's what I like about her, the way she can befriend anyone around her, and when she smiles so brightly... but I can still see right through her; she's going through something no one should go through and she hides it all with a smile and sarcasm..." he was gonna keep going but he realized he said to much for his comfort.

"Wow tsukki... my dude... YOURE IN LOVE" bokuto laughed and slapped tsukishima's back.

He sighed knowing it was true... it's been less than 5 months of knowing you and you somehow caught his eye and he couldn't take them off of you.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now