befriend him

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You were walking with the team quietly when hinata finally spoke.

"So y/n did you always live with the coach?" He said with Curiosity in his eyes.

He was smacked in the head my kageyama "Hinata you idiot! that's none of our business".

Hinata rubbed his head and you just laughed a little. "Well no I just moved in with my dad 3 days ago, my mother recently passed away so I needed to move in with my dad" . You kept walking and you could feel all eyes on you. You turn around and they're all staring at you.

"Come on guys don't make this sad I just met you all" you say giggling and starting to walk again. They all stayed quiet and just walked with you, hinata did say sorry loud enough for only you to hear thought.

You finally got to the school and the team went to their lockers while daichi and suga walked you to the office. You check your schedule and saw you were in class 1-3 "damnit" you said to yourself.

"what's wrong y/n" suga said looking down at you.

"I guess i wasn't good enough to be in class 1-4, i really thought i passed those tests but i guess the death of my mother affected me bad" You said as you put your face into your hands.

"It's okay y/n you still have 2 more years infront of you, don't worry you'll do great" he smiled at you and you smiled back.

"Let's go find hinata and kageyama since you're in the same class as them" He said as he started walking.

We bumped into tsukishima and yamaguchi. "Hey have you guys seen hinata and kageyama at all, she's in the same class as them and we wanted them to walk with her" suga said.

"We could show her if you want, since your classes are on the other side you won't be late." yamaguchi offered.

"great! thank you yamaguchi, we'll see you guys later" suga and daichi walked away.

You looked up at tsukishima who was just staring at you with no emotion on his face, it kind of freaked you out but you followed behind yamaguchi who started walking.

"why do you seem upset y/n?" yamaguchi asked.

"well i was hoping i would have been put into class 1-4 but i guess i didn't do so well on my tests." you said looking down and walking with your books in your hand.

As you were walking you accidentally dropped your books and you were about to pick it up but tsukishima stopped you. He picked up your books and handed them to you and kept walking up the stairs. He stopped at the top of the stairs as you just stared at him. "are you coming shorty".

You turned a little red with the nickname and quickly went up the stares. They dropped you off and you saw hinata sitting down looking out the window. You said thank you to tsukishima and yamaguchi and they walked away but you just stared at tsukishima's figure as he was walking.

"y/n!! We have the same class! that's awesome!" hinata said excitingly and you high fives him and laugh.

About an hour passed by and the class was interrupted by another student who came into the class to say something. "Hello i'm here for Ukai y/n" the guy said.

"she's right there" the teacher pointed at you.

"we are really sorry for the confusion, you aren't suppose to be in this class. come with me please and i'll take you to the right class" He said walked out of the class waiting for you outside.

You pack your stuff and wave bye to hinata and kageyama. You walk out to see him waiting for you and once he saw you he started walking you to the other side of the hall.

"We are really sorry about that, i don't know how we got confused and put you in that class. You're suppose to be in class 1-4 since you did great on your tests and you were originally in class 1-4 at your old school" he said walking you to the class.

"yeah i was upset at first but thank goodness it was a mistake." you said softly.

You both got to the class but before opening the door he said "if there is ever another mix up please let the office know and we will do our best to see what happened".

*Tsukki's POV*

I was sitting down paying attention when there was a knock on the door. A man slowly opened it, "sorry to interrupt but we have a student that was put into the wrong class and she's suppose to be in this class".

He walked in and behind him was a shy y/n. She didn't want to look around due to the embarrassment she was feeling, she was so cute.

"hello dear welcome to karasuno and welcome to class 1-4, what's your name?" the teacher asked.

"uhm my name is Ukai y/n" she said shyly.

"okay y/n you can sit.... hm- oh! You can sit infront of tsukishima kei" the teacher said pointing at a desk.

y/n shot her head up hearing my name and her face turned red as she walked to the desk and sat down.

*2 hours later*

"okay class it's your lunch break" the teacher said walking out of the class.

I walked to the back where tadashi was waiting for me. "we should invite y/n to eat with us" tsukki said.

"okay go ask her" yamaguchi said smiling.

"wha- why me? why can't you ask her" Tsukishima said.

"because it was your idea... now go ask her so we can go up to the roof and eat i'm a little hungry" yamaguchi said pushing tsukishima a little.

"oi shorty" tsukishima said catching y/n's attention.

"yes?" y/n said with her cheeks a little pink.

"d-do you want to come eat with u-s" tsukishima said stuttering a little. Y/n smiled and stood up.

"sure i'd love to" y/n smiled and followed behind the two boys.

*Y/n POV also Third person*

You were walking to the stairs to get to the rooftop but the three of you were stopped by a girl. "hey tsukishima... I- i wanted to ask if you want to eat lunch with me today.." the girl asked nervously.

"no thank you" tsukishima said without even looking at her. That shocked you a little bit but you followed behind them. You turn around to see the girl and her friends glaring at you following behind them.

Coaches daughter tsukishima x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now