Chapter 19 - Help

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Hi! I'm back with the next chapter just like I promised! Next chapter will be out on Sunday.


 Adrien towards the school steps. This time, for a change, Marinette was there waiting for him. When he noticed her, the model ran as fast as he could towards the bluenette and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you," Adrien said into the crook of her neck.

"We've seen each other yesterday night," she chuckled. "How could you miss me?"

"I miss you every second we're not together," Adrien said honestly. "I can't wait for the time that I will be able to see you first thing every morning and last thing every night." Marinette blushed at that. Adrien smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

"Yeah, no kidding," Plagg piped up from inside Adrien's shirt. "He actually doesn't sleep as well when you're not there. There's a reason I can't go to sleep at night and it isn't because my Camembert thrashes around the bed."

Both Adrien and Marinette turned beet red. "Oh give him a break Plagg," Tikki said from Marinette's purse. "He's in love," she smiled dreamly. "Plus I bet it's not as annoying as Marinette talking in her sleep."

"Marinette talks in her sleep?" Adrien asked, curious.

"Oh yeah," Tikki smirked. "She says stuff like -"

"TIKKI PLEASE DON'T," Marinette said in a squeaky voice.

"- stuff like 'Oh, yes, Adrien, of course I would marry you, you're the man of my dreams' " Tikki mimicked her chosen's voice. Marinette turned a shade of red that was unknown to the human race. Adrien smiled his 'Chat Noir smirk', as Marinette called it.

"That's good, cause you're the girl of my dreams." Marinette smiled. Adrien leaned in and kissed her lips.


"Alright, Nino, I got eyes on target," Alya whispered to her earpiece from behind the bushes. "You ready?"

"Ready as ever," Nino answered from his place on the school steps. "I'm heading over to the target right now."

"I see you," Alya looked through her binoculars at the DJ who was currently walking towards Adrien and Marinette, who were kissing.

"Sorry to interrupt, but someone forgot to say hi to his bro," Alya heard Nino say through the earpiece.

Adrien and Marinette broke away from each other, both looking extremely flustered. "Sorry Nino," Adrien said as he fist-bumped his best friend. "Good to see you again. Where's Alya?"

"Um, she's - she's not here right now," Nino lied. Alya facepalmed. Her boyfriend needed acting lessons. "But, actually, I wanted to talk to you, man. Something important."

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked.

"Can we, uh, go to the classroom and talk there?"

"Yeah, it's time for class anyway, we can all go together," Marinette smiled.

"No, no, NO MARINETTE NOT NOW GIRL!" Alya hissed.

"I can't do anything about it," Nino whispered to the earpiece.

"What was that?"

"Um, nothing! Yeah, let's go to class. Alya is already there," Nino said, and they started walking up the steps.

"Say WHAT?!" Alya said and then rushed towards the classroom to get there first.


Once they arrived, Adrien greeted Alya with a hug. She knew this would happen, and after a short talk with Nino last night, they decided it was best not to put a tracking device on his jacket. Maybe next time.

All of the students started talking, as the teacher didn't arrive yet. All the sudden, another kid walked into class and yelled "THERE HAS BEEN A THEFT AT THE LOUVRE! THE POLICE CAN'T CATCH THE CRIMINAL SO THEY'RE ASKING FOR LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR'S HELP!"

"WHAT?!" Adrien and Marinette said at the exact same time.

"Exactly what you heard! Isn't it cool?" The student replied excitedly.

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other. I'll leave first, then you come after me, okay? Marinette mouthed to Adrien. He nodded. She looked around the classroom and left silently. Adrien started to follow but then -

"Wait." He heard Alya's voice and turned around. "Before you go to secretly make out with your girlfriend" Adrien blushed "I need to ask you a few things."

"Is it urgent?" he asked desperately.

"Yes, it is." Alya looked over to Nino, who was politely asking all their classmates to get out of the room. "It's about you and Marinette."

"What now?"

"How long have you two been dating?"

What?" Adrien asked in surprise.

"You heard me Agreste. How long have you two been dating?"

"I don't know, a few days?" He shrugged. "Now can I please go?" He made a move towards the door but Nino stopped him. "Bro c'mon! Are you with me or against me?"

"Sorry man, I'm with Alya on this one. We want answers."


"Why do you need to go so badly anyways? Ladybug and Chat Noir got the situation covered."

Adrien paled. He needed to go NOW. His lady was probably waiting for him.

"Guys, please."


"I have to go!"

"No you don't!"

Not seeing any other options, Adrien nodded to Plagg, who was hidden in his jacket, and yelled "Claws out!"

Alya and Nino had to look away from the blinding flash of green light that surrounded their friend. When they looked at him again, they were surprised to see Chat Noir.

"Ok, I'm really sorry about this, but I have to go," Chat said urgently, pushing Alya's hand off his wrist. Alya just looked at him like he grew a horn, and so did Nino.

"I have to go help Ladybug." He moved towards the window, and was glad to see that neither of them tried to stop him.

Alya and Nino couldn't think. Their minds were blank. Chat Noir looked totally embarrassed, and it would've been sweet if it wasn't for their current situation, in which they just found out that he was Adrien Agreste.

Chat Noir remembered what was happening and before leaving, he looked at his friends and said, in a pleading voice, "I'll meet you guys later and sort this out, but for now, please don't tell Ladybug about this."

Then he jumped out the window, leaving his stunned friends behind.

dan... DAN... DANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!  Okay I know that was too dramatic but I'm kinda really excited. It's been a long time since I wrote a reveal so...

Like I said, next chapter on Sunday. Have an awesome day! ❤❤❤❤

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