Chapter 24 - Wrong

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Sorry I didn't update for so long. I completely forgot this story existed :D

Anyway, we're getting close to the end of this story :(


 After tying her boyfriend to the Eiffel Tower, Marinette had to run back home so she could meet up with Alya and Nino. She chuckled as she remembered Chat's pleas for her to let him down. Well, she got her revenge. Now everything could go back to normal.

Except for the fact that Alya and Nino now think that she should dump him.

"Guys, I'm telling you, I'm not going to break up with Adrien," Marinette told them for the hundredth time that afternoon.

"What do you mean you're not going to break up with Adrien?!" Alya screamed, outraged. "He cheated on you, Marinette. He's using the fact that Chat's identity is a secret to cheat on you. How the hell can you be so okay with it?!"

Marinette opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Seriously, dudette," Nino started. "If Alya cheated on me -" he stopped at the look on Alya's face. "Theoretically speaking," he added, afraid for his life. "If Alya cheated on me I would immediately break up with her."

"Theoretically speaking," Alya repeated.

"Always babe," Nino said as he kissed her head. "But seriously, just dump him Mari!"

Marinette didn't know what to tell them. On one hand, she wouldn't dump Adrien. After all, he did nothing wrong. But on the other hand, Alya and Nino needed an explanation. Should she just tell them the truth?

"Mari? Hello? Someone there?" Alya said as she waved a hand in front of her best friend's face.

"Yeah, sorry, I kinda zoned out," Marinette said, snapping back to reality. This can't keep happening. Hawk Moth is no longer a threat now. I should just tell them the truth.

"Guys, Adrien isn't cheating on me."

"What do you mean? We saw him, Marinette, we saw him." Alya sat next to her. "I know it's hard to comprehend but we're here for you girl. You don't need him."

"But I love Adrien, and I know he isn't cheating on me." Marinette said in a firmer voice.

"But girl, we saw everything."

"But you're wrong."

They were all quiet. After a while, Nino spoke up. "What do you mean we're wrong? How can we possibly be wrong about this?"

"Because you guys don't know everything." Marinette took a deep breath. "You said that Adrien is Chat Noir, right?" Alya nodded. "And you said that he kissed Ladybug as Chat Noir, right?" They both nodded. "Well, he didn't cheat on me because... I'm Ladybug."

As soon as the words left her mouth she felt as if a stone had been removed from her chest. Alya and Nino were quiet, and could, quite easily, be mistaken for dead. Marinette just waited for them to comprehend the truth.

"Say what now?" Alya asked in a high voice.

"Spots on," they closed their eyes as a blinding flash of pink light surrounded their friend. When they opened them again, instead of Marinette they saw Ladybug.

"Guys, please say something, you're scaring me," Ladybug told them

"You see, that's the problem with these two," Alya said after a while. "They always got some trick up their sleeves."

"No kidding," Nino said, and all three of them laughed. Marinette detransformed and Tikki landed on the bed.

"So, who is that?" Nino asked, pretending.

"Nino, drop the act, I gave you the Turtle Miraculous, you know what a kwami is," Marinette laughed.

"Haha I actually forgot that it was you," Nino said.

"So, when did you and Adrien reveal your identities?" Alya asked, intrigued.

"Are you going to ask me a bunch of questions now?"

"You bet I am."

"Then maybe I shouldn't answer now," Marinette said. Alya looked at her curiously. "I should probably answer stuff like that with Adrien. We'll meet you both tonight, at Alya's place okay?"

"Sounds good to me," Nino shrugged.

"Get ready to be interrogated tonight," Alya laughed.

"Can't wait," Marinette said.

Well... Alya and Nino are now in the know. Next chapter will be short, but it'll be MARICHAT! WOOHOO! I haven't wrote a Marichat chapter in ages.

Love you guys! ❤

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