Chapter 12 - OSD

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Hi again! Sorry I didn't post in a while. They give us so much homework, I'm not even sure that's legal. Anyways, thank you to all the amazing comments! Here's chapter 12!

 "You look as beautiful as ever, Princess," Adrien said to Marinette as she came running towards the school.

"Stop with the flirting."

"Not gonna happen." Adrien smiled and kissed her hand just as he did yesterday.

"At least you already asked me out in front of everyone, so they know." Marinette rolled her eyes as Adrien grinned at her. "Anyways, just like we discussed last night, you can't call me 'M'lady' or 'Bugaboo' and I can't call you 'Chaton' or 'Kitty'," she whispered in his ear. She saw him looking at the ground, a bit sad. "Don't worry though, it's only so that they don't figure out that we're Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Yeah, it'll be alright." Adrien squeezed her hand and smiled. "Let's just head to class, ok?"

"C'mon, let's go." She kissed him and they headed to class, both smiling lovesick smiles.

Alya and Nino got up from their seats behind the stairs, eavesdropping on their friends' conversation. Nino's face was purple.

"What's wrong?" Alya asked him.

"They're so lovey-dovey that it makes me sick." Nino gasped for air.

"I think it's kinda cute. But something's up; I can feel it." Alya narrowed her eyes.

"Ok, even I can figure that out. Like, they went from normal, to hating and ignoring each other, to lovey-dovey over the span of two days. What the hell?!"

"What's going on between these two and what are they hiding from us?" Alya looked like she was going to murder Marinette and Adrien for not telling her.

"I don't know. It's probably not that important," Nino said, slowly backing away from Alya like she was a starving lion.

Alya grabbed Nino's shirt collar and pulled him close to her face. Nino squirmed in fear. "I'm going to find out exactly what happened between Marinette and Adrien, and you're going to help me."

"Do I have to?" Nino whined.

"Did it sound like a question?" Alya asked him. Nino shook his head. "Good. Now, we need a name for this operation." Alya said, letting go of Nino, who moved a few steps away from her.

"How about OperationIDon'tWantToDoThis?"Nino asked.

"Very funny. A good operation name always goes like Operation something and then an animal." (Author's note: I read that in the book series Spy School, which I strongly recommend.)

"Well then how about OperationLazyTurtle?" Nino told her.

"No. It's going to be OperationSuspiciousDoves. OSD for short." Alya said in determination, her eyes shining.

"Why doves? Doves are boring," Nino rolled his eyes.

"Not any more boring than lazy turtles. And besides, doves are the animal that symbolizes love, or lovebirds." Alya told him.

"Fair enough. But look, you're doing so well on your own! You don't need me, so I should probably just go -"

Alya grabbed Nino's shirt again. "Remember what happened the last time you didn't agree to go with me on a mission?" Alya asked threateningly. Nino gulped.

"The operation to catch and imprison Ladybug and/or Chat Noir in order to force them to reveal their identities?"

"That's the one."

Nino gulped again. "You threatened to break up with me and ruin my favorite DJ disk."

"Exactly. And I will not hesitate to do it if needed. Now, are you in or are you out?"

Nino sighed in defeat. "Ok, I'm in."

"Great! OperationSuspiciousDoves is a go!"

Alya and Nino are going to figure this out! Meanwhile, I'm going to go and eat something. Have a good day!

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