Chapter 21 - Cheater

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Here it is, just like promised! Yeah, so... I don't really have anything to say except ENJOY!!

Ladybug and Chat Noir ran back towards the school. The school day was almost over. They landed on the roof and ran towards a closet.

"Spots off."

"Claws in."

Marinette opened her eyes after the blinding flashes of pink and green disappeared. She looked at Adrien, and immediately frowned.

"Kitty, what's wrong?" She asked worryingly.

Oh nothing, just Alya and Nino know my secret identity and you're going to kill me if you find out, Adrien thought. "Um, n-nothing! N-nothing at all! Everything is great!" He stuttered and mentaly slapped himself.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he said. Adrien hated himself for lying to her, but he couldn't tell Marinette that Alya and Nino found out. She is so strict about their secret identities, she would be mad at him if he told her the truth. "Let's just get to the last few minutes of class," he kissed her and started walking towards the classroom.

Later at the park, Adrien waited for Alya and Nino. He played with the ring on his finger, nervous.

"Chill out, kid, it's not the end of the world," Plagg said from his jacket.

"I know, but I lied to my Princess. I lied to her. She is never going to forgive me." A single tear escaped from his shut eyes.

"It'll be okay-" Plagg went quiet and Adrien opened his eyes to discover that Alya and Nino have arrived.

"Well, look who it is," Alya said with a bitter-sweet tone.

"Not cool bro," Nino shook his head with disbelief.

"What?" Adrien asked the two.


"What?! How can you say that Alya?!" He shouted in rage. "I care about her more than anything!"


It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Adrien stared at Alya, shocked.

"I'm not cheating on her," he said quietly, tears in his eyes. "I would never do something like that to Marinette."

"Then how do you explain this?!" She shoved her phone in his face.

He took the phone from her and looked at it. It was a video taken today, and Adrien pressed play.

"So, what should we do now, M'lady?" Chat asked, sitting down.

"I don't know, Kitty." She replied, sitting down next to him and putting her head on his shoulder. He purred, and she smiled.

"Let's just - stay like this for a while," Chat said between purrs. Ladybug lifted her hand and ruffled his hair, causing the purring to increase.

"Aww, they're so cute," you could hear Alya whisper from behind the camera.

"Yeah," Nino said from somewhere next to her.

"I would love nothing more," Ladybug answered Chat.

"I need to ask you something, Bugaboo." Chat said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Nothing could ever be wrong when I'm with you," he said. "I was just thinking, could we start dating as superheroes?"

Ladybug seemed to think about it for a minute. "I suppose," she said.

"Good, because I want all the ladies out there to know that I'm taken," he grinned.

"You foolish cat," she chuckled and flicked his bell. Then Chat leaned in and kissed her.

The video ended. Adrien looked at it, confused. He remembered the events of today well, but couldn't see why Alya and Nino would think that he's cheating on his lady.

"Great, so what?" Adrien asked, confused.

"Are you going to pretend like we still don't know?" Nino asked him.

"Yeah! You are dating Marinette and Chat Noir is kissing Ladybug. The only problem is that you're the same person!" Alya yelled.

"But I'm not cheating on -" he stopped in mid sentence as he realized something. They don't know that my princess is actually M'lady, he thought. This time he didn't mentally slap himself, he actually slapped himself.

Everything's going so well today, isn't it?

"You're not cheating on Marinette, huh?" Alya said. "You're lost for words! Maybe next time think about your actions!" she stomped her foot.

"Yeah, dude. That's not cool," Nino said in all seriousness.

"We're going to Marinette later tonight and we are going to tell her everything, including the fact that you are Chat Noir." Alya turned heel and left, Nino walking right behind her.

"Plagg, can you give me some encouraging Tikki words please? I really need them right now." Adrien said to his kwami, still dumbstruck from what happened.

"Oh, of course, kid." Plagg smirked. "You messed up real bad."

Lol I feel like Plagg really is like that. You want some advice? Fix the problem!

I only updated yesterday and someone already commented and read my story, so wow. Thank you guys <3 (I know I say this every chapter but like really THANK YOU)

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