Chapter 27 - Someday

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So... this is the last chapter.

Sorry I didn't update. Took me a while to write this chapter because I couldn't wrap my head around that this was the last one. Happy Passover (that was last night but still) to everyone who celebrates it!

For the last time, enjoy!

Marinette walked through the park, looking for her boyfriend. The picnic basket in her hand was full of treats and pastries that would get Adrien to smile the most adorable smile, and she couldn't wait to see him again.

Apparently, he felt the same way.

"M'lady!" Adrien called as he rushed up to her and catched her as she jumped into his arms. He spinned her around and she laughed the most beautiful laugh. Finally, she pressed her lips to his and he melted right on the spot.

Her eyes glittered as she said "Hey Kitty."

Adrien put his forehead against hers and smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He put her down and they set up the blanket on the grass. Both of them sat on the blanket and Adrien put his head on her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair and Adrien closed his eyes at her soft touch. After a while he purred, and she smiled. "I told you it wouldn't be the last time you'll purr on my watch."

He chuckled. "I can't believe this is really happening," he sighed.

"What's happening?"

Adrien sat up, and looked into Marinette's eyes. "This," he whispered as he took her hands in his. "Us, being here together. It seems like only yesterday we revealed our identities."

"I get what you mean," she smiled. "It's been such a crazy week."

"Crazy is a massive understatement, pigtails," Plagg said as he popped out of the picnic basket, where he's been chatting with Tikki.

"Plagg! We can't be seen!" Tikki whispered.

"Relax, Sugarcube, there's no one here anyway, so I might as well enjoy my lovely Camembert out in the sun."

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other and laughed. Some things will never change, they thought simultaneously.

"I'm so proud of you guys," Tikki told them.

"For what?" Marinette asked.

"For powering through everything," Tikki answered. "Like you said, it's been a crazy week, and you guys handled it all so well."

"Thanks," Adrien said. "The only reason we could was because we had each other." Marinette nodded in agreement.

Adrien turned towards Marinette. "I meant what I said the other day."


"That I can't wait for a time that I will be able to see you first thing every morning and last thing every night." Marinette blushed to her roots. "And someday," Adrien said as he leaned closer, "I will make that dream come true, if you'd also want it."

Marinette leaned in and kissed him passionately, and Adrien kissed her back, wrapping his arm around her waist. Slowly, she broke away and leaned her forehead against his.


Super cringy, I know. Hey, you signed up to that when you started reading this fic!

I have no idea what to write to you guys, honestly. It seems so bizarre that this is the last chapter. I'll just say what I think is important to say, I guess.

I had three goals in mind when I wrote this fic: to spread the love of Miraculous, to become a better writer, and to entertain anybody who wanted to read it. I don't know about you, but I think I accomplished all those goals. More than that; this fic helped me power through the pandemic. And the biggest part of this story was you guys, and your amazing comments that made my day. So, for the last time (in this fan fiction, this isn't the last one!), I want to say THANK YOU, for making me smile when I was sad and just letting me know that you'd be there to write something nice about this fic. I couldn't have been more grateful to get an amazing audience like you guys.

I'm MiraculousLover2, and for the last time, this has been For You.

(Yes, that was totally and iCarly reference.)

(I just had to, sorry)

(If you got it, then YAY)


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