Chapter 22 - Wonders

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Hi! I know I haven't updated in a while, I'm so sorry. Been pretty busy with homework. For some reason teachers think that giving students more homework is a good thing!

Anyway, this is a short chapter, but the next one comes out tomorrow. Promise. 

Also I started watching iCarly, and IT'S AWESOME! If you don't watch it, you should, it's really funny! If you did watch it, then write to me in the comments who's your favorite character and your favorite ship. Personally, Freddie's my favorite (although Sam and Spencer are right underneath him), and I'm a SEDDIE SHIPPER FOREVER!!! (Sorry Creddie guys).

Anyways, here's the chapter.

 "Ugh! What am I supposed to do?! Alya and Nino know my secret identity and they hate me now because they think I'm cheating on Marinette but I'm not and I've lied to my Princess, which is the worst crime possible and - ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!" Adrien screamed at his kwami, who was happily munching Camembert in his pocket.

"No, not really." Plagg answered honestly, taking another bite of his cheese.

"Great," Adrien grumbled. He was usually the positive guy, but so many bad things happened he couldn't think positive.

"Look, chill out, kid," Plagg said. "It's not the end of the world."

"It kinda is! I lied to Marinette! I LIED to her!" Adrien panicked. "What if she hates me now? What if she doesn't want to be together any more? What if she'll think that we're not meant to be and she'll go on and marry Luka?!"

"Are you done now?" Plagg asked, annoyed. "And what does Guitar Boy have to do with any of this? There's no point going over what ifs. If it bothers you so much, just tell Pigtails the truth."

"Right, and then she'll skin me alive."

"I'm sure she won't," Plagg reassured him. "She'll appreciate it if you'll just tell her the truth."

Adrien's eyes sparkled. "You think?"

"I'm... almost certainly sure?"

Adrien raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Look, I don't know what will happen kid, but she won't hate you. I promise on all my cheese."

"Fine." Adrien sighed. "I'll tell her tonight."

"Tikki, do you know what happened to Adrien?" Marinette asked, eyes filled with worry.

"No," Tikki answered honestly.

"It's just, I can tell that something's wrong, but when I asked him about it he said that everything's fine."

"Maybe he just didn't want to worry you?" Tikki suggested.

"I guess?" Marinette answered, just as confused. "But I don't want it to be like that. We've finally revealed our identities, I don't want any secrets between us anymore."

"I'm sure Adrien has a good reason for keeping it a secret," Tikki tried to calm her down. "And I'm sure that he will tell you soon."

At the moment, Marinette's phone rang. She pulled it out to see that Adrien's calling her. She smiled as she picked up.

"Hey, kitty," she said.

"Hey, M'lady," Adrien sounded tense.

"Are you sure you're okay? You sound a bit weird," Marinette said, concerned.

"Well... no." Adrien admitted. "And I want to tell you why. But not over the phone. Could you meet me on top of the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. Love you," Marinette said, smiling.

She could hear Adrien smile as he said "Love you too" and hung up.

"You were right, Tikki, as always," Marinette laughed.

"It's a talent," Tikki grinned and then giggled.

"Now, c'mon, we have to go! Tikki, spots on!"

I know it's short, but like I said, next chapter tomorrow! Thank you to all you guys who write me comments, it makes me so happy. Love you all!

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