Chapter 10 - Confused

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I'm back with the next part! Enjoy!

The next day at school, Adrien waited for Marinette on the school steps, since she was late (again). When she saw him, she blushed and walked over. Adrien kissed her hand.

"Chaton, what are you doing?" Marinette whispered, trying to ignore how so many people looked at them.

"Just showing the love of my life how much I love her," Adrien said casually.

"Adrien, stop, people are staring."

"Don't care."

"Let's just go to class, okay?" Marinette asked desperately.

"Whatever M'lady wishes." Adrien picked Marinette's bag, swung it over his shoulder, grabbed Marinette's hand and started walking towards the doors.

"There is no way I can stop you, is there?" Marinette asked, unamused.


"And you're planning to be like this for the rest of the day?"


"That's great, really, just great." Marinette sighed and started walking to class with him, hiding her smile.

When they got inside the locker room, everybody was staring. Adrien didn't seem to care. Marinette was kinda freaking out, but was keeping it on the downlow. Adrien sensed her uneasiness, so he walked over to a corner where nobody could see or hear them. Marinette just followed.

"Why are we leaving?" Marinette asked, looking around.

"You were uncomfortable." She looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"I love you, Mari. I love you, I can tell when you're feeling anxious or embarrassed." Marinette blushed. Adrien smiled. She is so cute when she blushes, he thought. Actually, scratch that, she's always cute. Adrien shook his head. He can't get lost in thoughts now. He has something he needs to ask her, and he really wants her to agree. "Anyways, um, I need to ask you something. Well, um, I was wondering, now that you kissed me" Marinette's whole face was red "are we going to start dating as civilians or superheroes first?"

"Wait, what?" Marinette said, a bit confused.

Adrien blushed. "That is, if you want to date me, if you don't, that's completely fine, I don't mind, as a matter of fact I get you, I can be a bit -"

He was interrupted as she pressed her lips against his. Adrien closed his eyes and kissed her back. He would never get over how sweet her lips were against his. She broke away from him, eyes fluttering open.

"That's the second time you've done that," he said in awe.

"Sorry, it was just, you were so cute rambling that I had to," she told him, her cheeks ablaze.

"I have to disagree, I think you're the cuter one," Adrien said, causing her to blush even more.

"Do you ever stop?"

"No. But I do want to know," he said, turning serious. "Considering the fact that you just kissed me, I'm assuming that you do want to date me." He paused, waiting for her to agree. Marinette nodded, so he continued. "Are we going to start dating as Adrien and Marinette or as Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

Marinette was deep in thought. "That's a good question," she answered. "I'm going to say as Adrien and Marinette, because everyone already saw you flirting with me endlessly," Adrien grinned "then, in a few days, we can start dating as our alter egos."

"That seems realistic." He smiled. "But I'm going to have to ask you out, properly."

"I think you have done quite enough," Marinette told him.

Adrien shook his head. "Nah, you deserve better than a simple kiss," he told her honestly. "I'm going to surprise you."

"Good luck with that. Meanwhile, we better get to class before Ms. Bustier kills us." He nodded and they started walking to class together, hand in hand.

During lunch, Adrien went with Marinette to the bakery, and they enjoyed pastries and croissants together. Well, more like, Adrien stared at the croissant he was given with a look of pure love on his face. Marinette just stood behind him, shaking her head in disbelief. Adrien stared at the croissant for at least ten minutes before Marinette dragged him away so they would have time to eat lunch. Adrien's pout after that was only too funny. When they got back to the school, Adrien took her hand. She looked at him and then turned away, blushing. He smiled. He was so lucky to have her, he knew that.

Anyways, as they walked through the doors, Adrien stopped in the middle of the ground, noting how many people were there, and grabbing everyone's attention by clearing his throat. Then he got on one knee and said, really loud:

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the love of my life, would you honor me by being my girlfriend?"

Everyone was quiet. Marinette just looked at him in shock, unable to say anything. She tried saying something, but her voice was gone. Marinette simply nodded her head, eyes shining with tears of joy. Everybody cheered and Adrien got up to hug Marinette. She wrapped her arms around him, crying happily into his shoulder. When they finally broke apart (which was after a few minutes), he smiled the brightest smile she's ever seen, bright enough to light up the stars. She smiled back, talking his hand and walking through the crowd and back to class, where Alya would question her until her death.

Speaking of Alya, she and Nino are very much confused. They watched the whole scene inside the school (Alya was cheering way too hard). They were so happy, until they realized that this didn't make sense. Didn't just yesterday, Marinette and Adrien hated each other? Didn't they ignore one another and screamed and cried? Or did that even happen?

Nino decided that it was best to just leave it as it is and enjoy the new couple, but Alya thought otherwise. Something wasn't right here, her journalist gut told her that. And she was going to figure out exactly what it was, no matter what she has to sacrifice.

After school, Adrien and Marinette started walking towards the Gorilla, who was already waiting for the model. Right before he got in the car, Marinette hugged him again. "Thank you," she said quietly in his ear.

"For what?" he asked her back.

"For everything."

"No problem M'lady." She broke away, looking sheepish. "Y'know what?" Adrien said. "I'm coming to see you tonight." And with that, he got in the car which drove away, leaving a confused Marinette behind.

Thanks for reading this. Also thank you the MLB fandom for being awesome.

Bug out!

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