Chapter 11 - Talk

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Hi! Here's the next chapter. This one is a little bit longer then the others, and a lot of fun to write.

 Just like he promised, a certain black cat was running on the rooftops of Paris, going to see his Princess. He smiled. Just thinking about her made him so happy. He couldn't wait to see her tonight. She was everything to him - he couldn't bear the thought of them being apart. She looked out for the whole world, she looked out for him, and he looked out for her.

Marinette was reading the latest post on the Ladyblog when she heard a knock coming from above. Smiling to herself, she climbed on her bed and opened the hatch to her balcony.

"Hey Adrien." She looked up at the blonde boy in the black leather.

"Hey Princess," Chat smiled, taking in her look. She was stunning, to him at least. Marinette wore a simple white T-shirt with black sweatpants, and yet she still looked amazing. He would never get over how beautiful she was.

"So, why did you come?" She asked curiously.

"I couldn't bear being away from you," he told her honestly. "I was hoping we could just, I don't know, talk?"

"Talking sounds good to me," she said and led him inside.

"You know, I can't believe it." Chat said, looking around her room.

"Believe what?"

"That I never noticed. That you are Ladybug, I mean. It was so painfully obvious, I feel like such an idiot." His hands clutched his hair with a frustrated sigh.

"Hey, I didn't notice that you were Adrien either, so we're even." He smiled. "Speaking of which, why don't you detransform? I sure Plagg would love to see Tikki again," she asked.

"I would love to see him too," Tikki piped up.

"I know, but I'm staying like this because if I detransform Plagg would be here, and he would definitely ruin the moment. Sorry Tikki," he told the red kwami.

"It's ok, I honestly understand," Tikki said with a smile. "Plagg can be a bit, um, much, sometimes. I'll give you two some privacy." She flew away.

"This is so unfair. How come your kwami is so nice?" Chat Noir asked, jealous.

"Tikki is amazing. She really helps me. Why, isn't Plagg nice too? I mean, the time that we got to hang out he was nice to me."

Chat snorted. "Really? Well then he must like you very much, because 'Plagg' and 'nice' don't go in the same sentence together. I'll tell you that," he said. "Anyway, I've been thinking. Now that we know each other's identities, I was wondering if you could tell me the secret identities of the other Miraculous holders."

"What, you mean like, Rena Rouge and Carapace?" She asked him.

"Yeah. And the other ones. Like, Rena Rouge, for example. Could you tell me who she really is?"

"You curious little cat," she told him, chuckling. "That's her decision to make. I can't choose for her if she wants to reveal her identity. I will tell you though," Chat's ears perked up "that you know her in real life."

"No way! You're joking!" Marinette shook her head. "Who could she be?" Chat was lost in thoughts.

"Well, speaking of temporary Miraculous holders, remember when I gave you the snake Miraculous?"

"Oh yeah! I was terrible. I failed to save you so many times." Chat shook his head, tears forming in his eyes.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault." She hugged him. "We just needed Chat, and you couldn't be Aspik and Chat at the same time."

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