Chapter 13 - Race

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I'm back again with a new chapter! A Ladynoir one! oooooo! Enjoy!

 Ladybug stood on top of a rooftop, staring forward into the night sky. She hummed quietly as she thought about how crazy the last few days in her life had been. God, she is now dating Adrien Agreste, her all time crush. Speaking of Adrien, he should be here soon, she thought.

As if he heard her thoughts, Chat Noir dropped onto the rooftop beside her. "Hey Bugaboo."

"Hey Chaton." He smiled. He always loved it when she called him by that nickname.

"I was wondering, maybe we could play a game?" Chat asked.

"What kind of game?" Ladybug questioned.

"Well, I was thinking about Truth or Dare -"

"Not a chance." Ladybug said flatly.

"But, M'lady!" Chat pleaded, making the most adorable face he could muster. "Pleeeeeease?"


"Why?" He stuck out his bottom lip in an attempt to look even more like a poor toddler.

"Because. I don't like that game." Ladybug told him calmly.

"Fine. What about a race then?" Ladybug's eyes lit up as she considered the idea.

"I like that. Where should we race to?" She asked.

"How about the Eiffel Tower?"

"Sounds good to me."

They both went to the back of the rooftop. Chat drew out his baton and Ladybug unhooked her yoyo.

"Three..." Chat said.

"Two..." Ladybug continued.

"One..." they said together.


A blur of red and a blur of black were seen across Paris. Ladybug used her yoyo to jump over the buildings while Chat used his baton to push himself forward. Both were fast, but it was clear that the red blur was ahead of the black one.

"I - win," Ladybug panted as she landed on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"No fair." Chat Noir pouted and Ladybug smiled at the sight. "Let's go again."

"Fine, just, give me like five minutes."

One race later, Ladybug and Chat Noir were both out of breath.

"It's not fair, if you just wink or flirt with me I immediately slow down!" Chat exclaimed.

"That's not my fault," Ladybug told him triumphantly.

"Well, how is it my fault that you're so attractive?"

"Stop it." Ladybug rolled her eyes at him.

"So... another race?" Chat asked hopefully.

"No. I'm too tired." Ladybug sat down and Chat Noir sat down next to her. She ran her fingers through his hair and he purred. Ladybug couldn't help but smile. "I love it when you do that."

"Same here." She leaned her head against his shoulder. The purring couldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried.

"What have you been doing to stay busy?" Chat asked.

"Well, I have been working on some new designs."


"But I should be asking, what's wrong?" Ladybug lifted her head and in order to look into his eyes. The purring immediately stopped.

"What do you mean?" Chat said.

"I mean, that something happened. I can tell, Chat. Tell me what's wrong."

"It's not that big of a deal, really..." Chat began. Ladybug gave him a look. "Ok, fine, it is kind of important." Ladybug urged him to continue. "I... have a photoshoot tomorrow."

"What's so bad about a photoshoot?"

"It's not a normal photoshoot, M'lady. It's the whole day." The sadness in his eyes was so frustrating to Ladybug. He shouldn't be sad like that. It's not fair to her kitty.

"Oh." That was all she could say.

"I'll miss a whole day of school. A whole day of seeing Nino. A whole day of seeing... you. " Chat was on the verge of tears.

"That's ok, you can just see me when you come back." Ladybug held his hand.

"I don't know, it ends pretty late. Too late for visits anyway."

"What time will you be back?" She asked him.

"Around like, eleven. And we have school the next day." Chat just looked at the ground.

Ladybug suddenly had an idea. Oh, her Kitty was sad? Not going to last. The gears turned in her head as she continued planning her surprise.

Chat noticed that his Lady was being quiet. He looked up at her, only to see that determined look on her face, like the one when she tries to figure out what to do with her lucky charm. "What's on your mind, Bugaboo?"

"Nothing. I have to go, I guess I'll see you in two days." Chat was surprised by her sudden desire to leave, but he didn't question it. They did have school tomorrow, and it was starting to get late.

"Um, bye." Ladybug stood up and took her yoyo in her right hand.

"Bye, Chaton." And then the red superheroine threw her yoyo and flew away.

Even after all this time, Chat still didn't understand that girl.

Thank you for all the follows and kind things you guys wrote. It makes my day. 

Have an awesome Thanksgiving!

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