Chapter 9 - You

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Hi again! As promised here's the next chapter!

 Adrien got out of the car, his head filled with thoughts about Marinette. She hated him. She hated him, and the only thing he could do about it is ignore her until Tikki talked to her. He thought back to the conversation with Tikki and Plagg earlier today. Things changed for her when she found out that you were Chat Noir. It's a lot to take in. That makes sense, things changed for him too when he found out that she was Ladybug. But it was a good change. He just loved her more. In her case, it seems like she just hates him more. He just wants to know what has changed. What did she think about this whole thing?

Adrien entered his house, still thinking about that conversation. Wait. The next thing that Tikki said was She is shocked, and confused, and happy, and bewildered. Happy. Marinette was happy that he was Chat Noir. Adrien smiled. But then how would that explain the stuttering? No, she probably wasn't happy that he was Chat Noir, she was happy that she knew him in real life. Like how he was happy that Ladybug turned out to be someone he knew, not a stranger. Yeah, that must be it.

Adrien opened the door to his room and walked inside. The first thing that caught his eye was a pink note on his desk. He raced towards it immediately. The note said:

Hi Chaton.

Sorry I have been ignoring you, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I've just been having a lot of emotions lately about this whole thing and needed to sort some things out. Tikki helped, a lot. And don't worry, I don't hate you. I know, I owe you an explanation. As soon as you read this, come to the Eiffel Tower, if you want to. I'll be there, and I'll explain everything. Sorry again, I was being so selfish.



Adrien's heart raced. Marinette didn't hate him. She wanted to see him again. She wanted to talk to him again. Yes! Also, did she say that she was selfish? She was literally the most selfless person he knew! He was going to have to knock some sense into her.

Speaking of which, he had a meeting with his Lady to go to! What was he waiting for?

Ladybug sat at the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking the view. She hoped that Adrien would come. He probably wouldn't. She sighed. He must be home by now. He probably read the note. And... he still didn't come. She stood up, getting ready to leave -


Ladybug spun around to see Chat Noir standing behind her, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. That was such an Adrien move. She chuckled softly. His eyes brightened the moment he heard her laugh. It was such a sweet sound; a sound that he hadn't heard in too long.

"Hey." Ladybug turned away from her partner and sat back down. He took a seat beside her, not too close and yet not too far away. For a moment, they both just sat there quietly, looking at Paris, the city that they vowed to protect.

"I'm sorry," they said at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise.

"You go first," they both said, again, at the same time. Ladybug laughed. Chat looked at her with so much love. He took in how her eyes shined when she laughed. She was amazing; finding a way to be more beautiful every time he saw her. "I'm sorry. You go first."

"I'm so sorry you were hurting alone. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I just made things worse, and everyday I went home and punched myself for hurting you. I -"

"Adrien, stop." Maybe it was because she called him by his real name, maybe because she said it so simply, or maybe because he just loved her so much, he stopped, as if someone put him on mute. "You don't need to apologize. I do."

Chat looked like he was about to say something, so Ladybug shushed him. He closed his mouth and let her speak. "You didn't do anything. It's not your fault you were Adrien. It's not your fault that you were trying to help. It's my fault for not telling you what was wrong. I should've told you. You deserve to know. And I'm sure that you want to know." Chat just nodded.

"I- I... you don't love me." She said suddenly.

"But I do, M'lady I love you with all my heart -"

"No, you don't; you love Ladybug."

"But... you are Ladybug." He was so confused.

"No, I'm not. I'm not as brave as Ladybug. I'm not as confident as Ladybug. I'm not as perfect as Ladybug." Ladybug paused to take a breath. Chat Noir couldn't believe his ears, both the human and cat pair. Seriously?! She doesn't get it at all.

"You, you fell in love with the perfect superheroine who comes up with brilliant plans and fights akumas, not with the girl under the mask." She took a shaky breath. "Spots on," she said, taking him by surprise. He watched as the figure of Ladybug was replaced by Marinette. "You never even considered the clumsy girl under the mask. Because without these spots, I'm nothing. I'm a failure. I'm a clutz. I'm- I'm a nobody."

Marinette looked away from him, tears streaming down her beautiful face. Her expression was so ashamed, so embarrassed, and he just wanted to bury her in his arms, tell her that everything will be ok, that she is not a nobody, that she is not a failure. But he knew he couldn't do that, so he just let her continue.

"So, that's it. That's why. It broke me, knowing that you don't love the real me. 'Cause this," she gestured to herself "is who I am. I am no perfect superhero; I'm the opposite. I'm just Marinette."

"I know that. But no matter what you tell yourself, you are not a failure. You're special, and kind, and funny, and unique. You're Marinette. You helped Ivan confess to Mylene. You helped Mylene with her stage fright. You helped me sneak into the movies so I could see my mother. You helped Juleka overcome her class photo curse. You helped Sabrina stand up to Chloe. You made the banner for Alix and Kim's bet. You saved us from having Chloe as our Class Rep. You helped Max find bugs in his video game. And you helped me. When I found out my father was Hawkmoth," Adrien cringed, "You helped me. Without even knowing it, you were the light at the end of my tunnel. And not only you as Ladybug. You as Marinette, too. So don't you even dare think that I only love Ladybug. I fell in love with the girl, not the spots."

Adrien stopped as he saw Marinette's face. She was crying. But through the tears, he could see the tiniest hint of a smile. She looked at him, her eyes shining like she's never seen them. "Claws in, Plagg," he said in a whisper. "I love you, Marinette, with all my heart, and I will never be able to love anybody else."

From all the shock, Marinette accidentally fell off the Eiffel Tower. Adrien panicked. He quickly jumped off after her, transforming, while Plagg murmured something like "again?!". But it didn't matter. He had to save Marinette. He looked down. Marinette wasn't below him. While soaring down at record speed, he wondered where she could be. He didn't notice the ground drawing closer, and closer, and closer, until it was too late for him to do anything to save himself. He closed his eyes, preparing for the worst -

Chat Noir opened his eyes after a few seconds when he didn't feel any pain. He saw the ground, mere centimeters away from his chin, and sighed in relief. He felt himself being pulled up by his ankle. Chat looked up to see Ladybug standing upside down next to him, holding her yoyo in her right hand. "Did you, did you really mean those things?" She asked in a shaky voice. "Every bit of it," he replied honestly. And then, she did something he would've never expected her to. She kissed him.

It was the best feeling in the world. Something he never wanted to end. Something magical from another planet. He kissed her back passionately, pouring his heart into the kiss, and he could feel her doing the same. He couldn't believe it. This was definitely the best moment of his life. As she pulled away, he saw her blue eyes, her beautiful bluebell eyes that just seemed to be more amazing than life itself.

And right there, Chat Noir considered himself the luckiest guy in the world.

I really hoped you liked it. This was the first time I ever wrote a kiss, so I'm sorry if it's really cringy. As always thank you to all the people that read this, it means a lot. Please leave a comment/feedback, it makes my day!

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