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June 2019

I slam my school supplies into a box and shove it under my bed. Summer before my first year at college. This would be a good one.

"Nina! Alex! I made you two lunch" Debby calls and i smile. Ninas mom had taken care of me for the past couple of months while grandad went away for awhile. He would be back tomorrow for a 1 week as the band were playing here in Los Angeles and then he was jetting off till December for the final leg of the tour with the band. I couldn't wait to see him. It had been too long. Of course we FaceTimed all the time but nothing beats being in person.

"Have you gotten a summer job?" Nina asks and i shake my head.

"I can get you in at the shack?" Nina offers. I smile.

The Shack was an ice-cream parlor near Venice Beach. Nina had been working there since Fall and i was a big fan of the ice cream, but, Nina got the worst hate for working there. The boys from school would always walk by and the shit she got was unbearable, i couldn't put myself through it.

"No thanks Ni, i appreciate it but, its just not what im looking for"

"What are you looking for then?" Nina laughs as she starts to eat her lunch.

I gave her the eyes and she starts giggling.

"Oh sorry a roadie job. How could i forget" she smirks

I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of roadies and bands, Can your grandad get us in to go see Euphoria when they get here? All i wanna be is wasted and screaming along to Kill My Mind "

"I dunno Ni, maybe. You know how he feels about me being in that atmosphere though" i sigh.

Over the past two years, Nina and I have grown to love the band my grandfather works for "Euphoria's" music. Punk and rock and roll was never our taste when we were younger but when you put 5 extremely hot men into one band god, its euphoric.

"Please tryy" Nina begs.

"You know i'll try my best" i laugh and Nina smiles

"Thank you thank you thank you Alex" she says softly.

"No problem, but no promises okay?"



Nina was head over heels in love with the band where as when it came to me , it was a very much hit or miss situation. I loved their music but i avoided getting absolutely fascinated with them as grandad warned me against them numerous times and the fact that i hoped to work alongside them one day. That would be an awkward situation if they found out there co-worker was secretly obsessed with them.

I clean my attic bedroom. It was small but i couldn't imagine having somewhere else to call home instead of Debby and Ninas. When grandad regularly took tour breaks, he stayed in Debbys guest bedroom as he sold the home we grew up in after his tours with other bands but just before his tours with Euphoria.

I opened the skylight window and boost myself out onto the roof. I look at the sky. 2pm. Peaceful.
I would nap up here if i could, but i knew Debbys psychotic neighbors would be convinced i was suicidal and insane and call the cops,so i got down to save myself the embarrassment.

I checked social media to see all my friends looking for tickets to get backstage passes for Euphorias show. I smiled and shook my head and put my phone away and concentrated on looking for jobs.


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