"fuck me you're stupid"he says agitated
"thats not in the contract" i mutter.
he smirks and shakes his head.
"you're not like the rest of them Patterson"
"why would i want to be?" i shrug
// Alexandra Patterson is the 18 year old granddaughter of t...
I sat still at the table chatting quietly with a distracted Harry. He was asking me simple things. My full name. About my parents. If i had siblings. It was a pure conversation. The simplicity of it all.
But then the simplicity ended, when a man on the next table starting choking.
"His throat is tightening!" The girl exclaimed and i instantly left my seat trying to help the pair.
"Alex!" Harry exclaims turning to see what i do. "Leave it!"
"Shut up Harry he could die!" I exhale.
I panic and run over to the woman to help her and her husband.The minimum amount of people in the cafe turned to look at the scene but no one seemed to run to help.
"Call an ambulance!" I scream.
"We can't! This café isn't insured!" The woman at the front desk says panicking. She swallows the lump in her throat.
"Get him water!" The mans wife bellowed with panic laced in her voice.
"Ofcourse Kennedy" the woman says calling for Tia to sort out some water.
Louis comes over beside me checking the mans pulse.
"His pulse is slowing!" Louis says quietly and the woman begins to cry. I wrap my arms around her, in an attempt to comfort her as i didn't know what else to do.
I watch Louis slowly count his pulse until he let go of his wrist. Petes eyes closed. And that was it.
"He's gone.." Louis murmurs quietly.
Niall gets up and comes over and looks at Pete and frowns.
"Poor fucker. My thoughts are with you ma'am" he says sincerely looking at Kennedy. She looks up at the blonde hair man and he wipes her tears.
"Im Niall" he says softly sitting down beside her as Harry calls me over to him.
"He's... d-dead?" I say in shock that the man in-front of me just died so quickly in such little time.
Harry mumbles quietly, something that i can't hear though.
"Wheres Liam?" I question looking around.
"I'm not sure but its time for us to go love.. we have to start getting ready for the concert and-"
"Harry we can't fucking leave her! Her husband has just died in front of us and she can't even call an ambulance cause this shit hole isn't insured" i spat.
"Calm down.. thats not our problem"
"Alex lets go" he mumbles grabbing my arm.
"Asshole!" I spat as i sit down in the bus opposite Harry.
"Me?" He laughs
"Yes you! Why are you laughing?"
"Cause if you don't laugh you'll cry Alex" Harry smirks and i roll my eyes.
"Stop rolling those eyes" he murmurs as he looks at his watch for the time. 12.15pm.
"Ill do what i like" i say with attitude. He looks at me but says nothing and i watch him light a joint. He brings the roll up to his mouth and inhales it and then eventually exhales breathing out the used smoke.
He breathes out heavily. Almost a moan, almost a pant.
"Come here to me"he says softly as he looks at me expectantly and i look back at him and nod.
He pulls me onto his lap, straddling him and i run my fingers along his t-shirt.
He opens my mouth by rubbing his thumb along my bottom lip. He inhales his joint and slowly blows the smoke into mine.
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I cough and wipe my mouth and he smirks.
"That will keep you quiet" he mumbles.
"Nothing keeps me quiet" i smirk back and he looks at me as i grab the smoke from his hand and lay it between my lips, inhaling the spliff.
"Nothing hey?" He growls as he pulls me in-front of him and locks the door of the tourbus.
"N-Nothing.."I mumble as i look up at him cautiously as he hovered over me.
"Nothing at all Patterson?" He hums.
I shake my head nervously looking up at him.
He smirks and gets up off me and turns to face the tv.
"I'mLoud and Proud"i hum back.
He turns around to look at me, a smirk crawling across his face.
He double checks that he locked the door moments ago and with that he drops to his knees and rolls my dress up to my hips.
He rips my thong off and begins to place kisses around my intimate area and slowly dips his tongue into my pleasure spot.
"Oh fuck" i murmur and Harry smirks beginning to move his tongue in and outbfaster. He grabs two fingers and begins stimulating my clit while licking fastly.
I moan loudly and Harry looks up and smirks.
"God you will definitely be a screamer" he smirks
I smirk just as we finish off our tour bus romp.
He slowly kisses at my neck and leaves a love bite on it.
"Does this make up for the café incident..?"
I shrug.
Even though i still felt insanely good after our moments together, i still felt shit that i just watched a woman's husband die.
I wonder to myself how it happened and what caused his death, because ir definitely was not due to just his coffee alone. Something else has happened in that café today, that i wasn't aware of and i was for sure Harry and Liams absences had something to do with it.