The boys came back from the room and gave Harry and I an all clear to go ahead. Harry swiped my room open with the key and pushed the door open.
He walked in just before me and looked around. He saw nothing unusual or suspicious.
"Just take a quick shower or whatever. Then we can get you dressed and ready again for tonight" he says softly.
I nod and wipe off my makeup at the sink in the bathroom while Harry sits on the toilet seat watching me. I looked down at his green eyes and smiled.
"Thank you" i mumble
"For what?" He says out straight.
"For..for looking out for me. And wasting your afternoon here with me to make sure im okay"
He nods and looks down smiling.
I turn on the shower and he gets up to walk out.
"You can stay if you like.. ?" I say quietly looking at him as i pull off my shorts and stand there in my oversized t-shirt.
"No its ok. You take some time to yourself" he says kissing my forehead and leaving the bathroom closing the door behind him.
I sigh and roll my eyes. I tie my hair up so it doesn't get wet as i already washed it.
I pulled off my necklace and sighed and opened the shower curtain and got under the hot running water. I let it drip down across my back. I grabbed soap and lathered it across my body and then rinsed away the bubbles like i was drowning away any sorrows i felt.
I stopped the shower and grabbed the towel that was beside me. I dried myself off and got back dressed up in the clothes i was wearing earlier. I moisturized my face and re-did my makeup, letting ny hair fall back down.
I spritzed myself with perfume and finally opened the bathroom door to see Harry come in from the balcony muttering fuck sake.
"What happened?" I ask softly.
"I was smoking a joint out on the fucking balcony any fans saw me,so Rad just text me to say basically get the fuck off the balcony and ditch the joint" he says holding the marijuana in his hand.
I smile as he sits on the bed. I stand in front of him and grab the smoke from his hand and wrap my lips around where his had just been.
"Alex.. what are you doing?" He laughs and i smile.
"We're getting high" i murmur as i flop down onto the bed beside him inhaling yet again.
He laughs and grabs the joint and puffs.
"Fuck this is actually good?" I smile excitedly. I had never smoked weed before even though Nina had done it numerous times. She was the more wild one of us two. If she saw me now smoking weed in a hotel room with Harry Styles she would be extremely proud.
"Mhm"Harry says as he closes the curtains so no one could see in at us.
He hands it back and i take a larger inhale causing myself to burst out coughing .
"Fuck!" I croaked and Harry lay there laughing.
"Take it easy princess"Harry smirks
"Princess huh?" I giggle excitedly
"Mhm" harry says smoking more.
I get on top of him and he laughs and sits up."Your so fucking horny when high and drunk" he smirks and shakes his head
"Who said im horny?" I giggle.
"The way your fucking straddling me"
"I just like being on top" i wink
Jesus. Bold moves Alex. Bold moves.
"Not when we're together baby. You will never,ever take top" harry smirks
I roll my eyes
"Keep rolling your eyes sweetheart and ill make sure you never roll them at me out of attitude ever again" Harry whispers
"Mhm how so boss?" I smirk
"You don't want to know" he rasps
"I think i do" i giggle as i perch myself forward and kiss at his neck.
"Fuck Alex" he moaned into my collarbone. He bit down sharply.
"Ouch! What the fuck" i say shocked pulling away from Harry.
"Shit,im sorry. Old habits" he frowns. I sigh and he flips me over.
"Ill do it softer" he says as he hovers over my body and untucked my t-shirt from the shorts. He made kisses all along my ribcage up to my bra. He fumbled with the lace and lifted it ever so slightly and left a hickey on the bottom of my breast.
"You're cheeky" i giggle blushing as Harry pulls me back up and tucks in my t-shirt.
"Cheeky is what's fun" Harry says tiredly as he runs his finger over the accidental bite mark he left.
"Im sorry" he says again
"Its okay.. you were in the heat of the moment" i wink
"Get out" he laughs and grabs my phone and room key for me.
"A.Patterson ?" Called security and i nod.
"Your position is Stage Left. Have you got your ear piece on so you can hear the boys?" He asks
"Yes sir"
"Okay perfect. Take backstage now at the dressing rooms and see if theres anything you can do before getting to your position"
I nod and rush off making my way back stage. I bumped into Jolie and Rad.
"Alex how are you! Jo was telling me about your room number situation, im so sorry that happened" Rad frowns
"Its okay Rad honestly. Now i can't lie i have to run but ill talk to you soon Rad and I'll talk to you later Jolie" i smile as i wave the two of them off and i run to find Harry and the boys..

Sanity {H•S}
Fanfiction"fuck me you're stupid"he says agitated "thats not in the contract" i mutter. he smirks and shakes his head. "you're not like the rest of them Patterson" "why would i want to be?" i shrug // Alexandra Patterson is the 18 year old granddaughter of t...