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*Show Outfit above^*

I stepped into my hotel room and breathed in the fresh michigan air. It was 27 degrees celsius and i was boiling. I didn't like being up this high with no other tour members on my bus apart from Lola being next door. I sighed and opened the balcony door to air out my room while i dove into my suitcase picking out an outfit for the show tonight. I grabbed blue jean shorts and an oversized graphic tee. I lay out my white trainers for a comfy feel while i would be running around all evening after these boys.

I yawned and hopped in the shower washing myself up after that long bus-ride. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in my towel and walked back out to where my clothes were. I put on silk robe and dried my hair and did my everyday makeup.

I felt uncomfortable in my room and it had a weird aura. A weird vibe. I made a note to myself to ask Jolie later why my room was so high up and away from the boys when i needed to be near them for my job... it was almost as if someone was keeping me from them.

Zayn: can you collect a bag for me from Jolie, she's in the lounge on floor 3. Thanks love x

Alex: yeah no bother. Where are u?

Zayn:Nialls room with him and Harry.

Alex: k see u ina few

I picked my room key and my phone and made my way down to where Jolie was to get Zayn's bag.. whatever that was.

I made sure i would ask Jolie about my switched up room number once i got down to her. I got into the elevator and hit her floor button as i made my way to the lounge.

"Hey Jolie.. you have something for zayn?" i smile softly

She looks up and smiles and hands me a small bag full of white powder from her handbag.
. Cocaine. Typical boys.

She was busy typing away on her laptop when she saw me sit down.

"Is there anything else i can help with?" Jolie asks confused as she was busy organizing final details for venues.

"Err yeah. My room. How come im on the 8th floor"

Her face dropped and she looked at me.

"Er what? Your room 612 on the 6th floor" She laughs pulling out a timetable and pointing at my name.

"Jo, Harry and i were given a time table earlier by some boy on the bus where my room number was 820 on floor 8, beside Lola"

"Shit shit shit" Jolie says panicking.

My heart dropped.

"What?" I say scaredly.

"That shouldn't have happened, someone must of  been messing around with your name on the records"

"What!" I say panicking. Why would someone want me up in a room by myself beside a drug lord where barely anyone could help me if anything happened .. oh..

"Jolie i can't stay up there" i say panicked.

"We won't let you don't worry. I've just sent security up there to grab your stuff and put it in the room you were supposed to be in."

"I need to go" i murmur shoving the cocaine sachet in my pocket and making my way to Harry and the boys.


I knock on the door and as soon as Harry opens it i burst into tears.

"Shit Alex. Are you okay?" He says looking at me genuinely worried. I shake my head to signal No as he brings me inside. I take the coke out of ny pocket and give it to Zayn and the three boys sit around me and wait for me to speak up.

"I was never supposed to be on floor 8. Someone fucked around with my file and put me up there. Someones out to mess with me" i sob

"Fuck!" Harry shouted. He was panicked . I look up at him. Did he know something like this shit was gonna happen?

"I hope your getting your room moved" Zayn says worriedly putting his coke away.

I nod as Niall wipes my tears and Harry takes deep breaths.

"Room 612" i say quietly and the boys nod.

"I'm gonna go check your old room, Niall you make sure her new rooms clear. Harry stay here and make sure she's okay"

Harry nods and sucks in a deep breath.

"What the fuck am i gonna do Harry.. how am i gonna sleep in my room"

"I'm not letting you sleep in there. You can stay in here i don't give a fuck, im not putting your life at risk Alex. Who the fuck would mess around with a tight schedule like that"

I wipe my tears and he frowns and sits down beside me.

"Come on baby don't cry its okay" he says as he snuggles into my neck.

"I'm here for  you. And when i am here with you, please know that I'm always gonna do whatever i can to protect you"

"Thank you.." i say silently i dab at my running makeup.

"I look and feel like shit" i mumble.

"As soon as the boys get back ill take you to your room and let you shower or freshen up again and then if your up for it you can come to the show later. If your not baby please don't worry. We can get Jolie or someone to take a night off too and come sit with you"

"No. I don't wanna be anywhere without you or the boys" i mumble as i grip his hand.

"You know if we were in normal circumstances i'd kill you for this cute shit your doing,but because your sad, you can get Away with it for a little while longer"

"Lucky me" i laugh As Harry wipes my tears and pulls me in close.

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