71 8 4

Alex Patterson

"Where to next?" Louis asks me and i open up the schedule.

"St Paul in Minnesota"i reply

"God i fucking love that place. Great women there boys" Zayn winks and Niall laughs.

"We're only here for tonight though, off the next morning after the concert" i say

"Aw shit. We're not getting an extra day here after what happened last time" Liam frowns at Harry and Niall.

"What happened last time?" I ask curiously . Harry sits up suddenly.

"Don't fucking tell her"he spat

"Tell me what?" I ask confused looking at him.

"It doesn't matter. It's in the past" Harry mumbles. He looks sternly at Niall.

"Yeah it doesn't matter Alex" Niall agrees with Harry.

"If its in the past and doesn't matter, why wont you's tell me?" I say worried on what they were hiding.

"Because its nothing to fucking do with you Alexandra" Harry says annoyed.

"Woah H man relax" zayn says calmly

"Fuck off Zayn. Fuck off all of you"

Harry stormed out of the dining room and got into his bunk bed closing the velvet curtain shut.

I got up quickly and went after him

"Leave him Alex, he's in a pissy mood"

I shake my head and continue going to him.
I pull open his curtain and get on the bed beside him. He rolls over and faces the wall.

"Fuck off Alexandra"

"Thats Alex to you Harry"

"Just Alexandra"

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I say sternly

He turns around to me.

"What the fucks wrong with me? Your the one butting into my fucking past"

"Your past! Its to do with the whole band i thought?"

"You thought fucking wrong"

"Harry shut the fuck up for one minute and please, i cannot stress this as much, please tell me what is going on inside your head and tell me what Liam was talking about"

"Nothing" he sighs

"And thats the problem" he adds

"Bullshit. I know for a fact there is more than nothing going on  in your little old head so come on boss, open up and tell me what the fuck happened in St Paul last time?"

"Fuck, listen ok! Niall and I had a threesome with an Irish girl visiting St Paul" he says loudly pushing me away from him.

"Okay and? Big fucking deal!" I say clutching my shoulder that was sore from when he pushed me.

"She got pregnant" he mumbles.

I look at him. His eyes fell softly.

"w-what.. ? You.. you have a baby?.."

"Not quite" he says again

"Then tell me"

"Niall and i didn't know who's baby it was"

"DNA test? Paternity test!"i exclaim confused at where this was leading.

"Niall and I agreed she would have an abortion. Neither of us could deal with a DNA test or an actual child"

"No.. no you's didn't" i mumble shocked.

"We did. Leighton had no choice. It was our word over hers"

"The poor girl.. she didn't get a say?"

Harry shakes his head.

"Thats fucking cruel! You can't just decide to get rid of someones child Harry! Thats sick!"

"I prefer twisted because when you call me sick, it sounds like theres a cure when there is definitely not" Harry says back.

"Wow. Wow,wow,wow. What have i gotten myself involved with.. a fucking killer" i say shaking my head. Harry could've been a father, he destroyed a woman's life from having children in the future, she had no say..

"You know what the worst thing was Al?" He mumbles as he pulls scotch from his shelf and downs it.

I look at him. Totally and utterly shocked at the past 10 minute conversation.


"I can't even have children Alexandra. Im totally and utterly fucked in that department. Its basically numb down there." He laughs and pours the scotch down his neck.

"Oh my god Harry.."

"The baby wasn't mine Al, it couldn't be. But no one knows that it was in no way mine, I've never admitted to it. No one but you knows im fucked down there. Just you Alex. Only you." He mumbles


Authors Note


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