Chapter 1

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2 years ago

I looked outside only to see the gray clouds, as lighting strikes somewhere here in Tokyo heavy rain poured down on the students outside the building like a water balloon was popped by a needle unexpectedly.

I sighed remembering I wasn't able to bring my umbrella... great... first day of collage and I'll be soaking wet after arriving at the house later. Bleh. Though I would wish I would run into Mitsuri later, because I'm really sure she brought an umbrella with her.

Well she always does since she said we never know when rain will come, but I told her she could just check her phone for the weather, but she said she can't trust technology in everything.

Another heavy sigh escaped from me, I rested my right arm's elbow onto my desk and used it's palm to rest my cheeks.

First day in collage... in medical school and I already had an impression... boring... I wish I could have just stayed in Kyoto. Kyoto is like so far from Tokyo, though it's only six hours drive by car, but still. Tokyo is a big city and... I'm not really comfortable.

I was already accepted in a University there but Mom and Dad insisted because Kanae is teaching at this University I'm at and our parents thought that it would be better if we're together... and they're not wrong there.

I was suddenly snapped out of my mind when I heard student's voices became louder so I looked around and saw they were all looking at someone. So I did not hesitate to follow where they were staring at.

And. Holy. Shit!

I think my jaw fell to the ground.

Suddenly my heart melted and the corner of the lips suddenly raised leaving a smiling in my face.

"My, my, I did not know there was a man this handsome here in Tokyo," I whispered to myself and smiled even more as he faced the whole class. Facing us made his face look like a confused puppy... cute.

He must be out professor in Biochemistry...

"Please settle down and shut your mouths, I don't like noisy people in my class," as those words espace from his mouth the whole place went dead silent. The only thing I could hear might be my breathing.

He took a moment to look around and as soon as his eyes met mine I smiled every so sweetly at him and as I expected he just ignored me.

'My how rude' I though to myself.

"I'm Tomioka Giyuu and I'll be guiding you in your Biochemistry class, I hope that everything will be clear as glass after I say this... No asking for my age nor if I'm married."

"Pfft!" Shoot!

I slowly raised my head and as to be expected everyone was looking at me, and to be honest Giyuu-sensei's glare are so sharp.

I sat properly and smiled like nothing happened.

"What's your name?" He asked coldly sending shivers down through my spine.

I cleared out my throat, "Shinobu... Kocho Shinobu."

"Kocho, was there anything funny from what I just said?"

I shook my head, "I just thought it would be shameful for the girls here who would ask for your age or if you were married, it's was like you already know they were gonna hit on you and you already rejected them," I gave him a sweet smiled as I felt glares were shot to me.

I did not really mind since I know it's true.

"And you think that's funny?"

"No... what's funny is the fact that how you say it makes you sound so boastful about your looks, since like I said girls would definitely ask for your info because of how good looking you are. But maybe you just said that because many students from the past have already asked you that but don't think too much, Giyuu-sensei... Someone here might not have any interest in you..." I opened my eyes and looked at him directly. "Since not everyone would like you Giyuu-sensei~~~"

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now