Chapter 21

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"Hey, that's not your usual phone!" I looked up and saw Nezuko looking at the phone I'm scrolling at right now.

We're here at the cafeteria because it's currently our break time. We weren't ask for too much in our first day, they just told us to follow whatever our department head tells us to. Though, they only ask us to check up on the patients who recently had their surgery.

I stopped scrolling through his picture and looked the back part of Giyuu's phone. Our phones the same brand, his is white mine's gold. I especially picked the same phone brand as his because I prefer to, but they ran out of the same colors as his so... I chose a gold one instead. Bleh.

"This is Giyuu's phone." Suddenly she choked on her food making some people look at us.

I immediately opened up her water bottle and make her drink it with my left hand under her chin. As she was halfway through the bottle she tapped my hand signing me that she's okay now. I nod and closed the water bottle and put it beside her food tray.

"Say what?" Her eyes were wide from surprise.

"Sshhh!" I said putting my index finger in front of my lips, "actually, Giyuu doesn't know that, I snatched his phone earlier this morning."I said and giggle.

I figured that I'd be more fun to have his phone for the rest of the day since he doesn't really do anything with it. I downloaded some entertainment apps for him last night but he said it was unnecessary. But I didn't delete it.

If he ain't gonna make use of it that much I'll just use it instead. He wouldn't mind, he doesn't really do technology and prefers reading books instead of spending time in his phone.

"No! That's not it! Why do you have it? And why are you calling sensei by his first name without referring to him as sensei?" She looked desperate from getting answers from me so I laughed at her and took a bit of my sandwich.

"Shouldn't it be obvious—"

I got cut off when she slammed her hands on the table, once again getting the attention of some people here in the cafeteria. I sweat dropped and looked at them like I was saying it's nothing important. "Who seduced who to have this kind of relationship between you two?!" She asked with so much curiosity in her eyes.

Her face was also just an inch closer to mine making me feel a bit uncomfortable, "uhhmm... sit down and I'll tell you about it." She doubted my words first before going back to her seat.

I cleared my throat and sat properly, "no one suduced—"

"You sure?"

"If you don't believe me don't ask!" I said while pouting.

I mean, he did it to me yesterday... so I guess you could say he was the one who seduced me... I guess? I sighed, "don't ask that kind of question, you should already know by now that we're together..." well, makes sense in her part since Mitsuri was the only who saw us at the summer festival.

"Hey are you sure he's serious about you?" I was stilled for a moment... hearing her question feels like reality struck to me, it feels like this things aren't real.

But going back to what he told me yesterday, I can't help but hold on to his words. So I shouldn't doubt his feelings for me. I face Nezuko and shook my head with a smile on my lips, "mhm... Giyuu isn't a playboy to just mess with me in the first place anyway and he's known for being Mr. Authority, you think he'd break the rules if he's not serious with me?" Suddenly Nezuko's facial expression softened.

"Well, if it's coming from you and it sounds reassuring... why not?" I giggled and we continued to eat our lunch.

After eating my phone—I mean Giyuu's phone vibrated.

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now