Chapter 22

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It's been five days since I started living here in Giyuu's place and I wouldn't be surprised that I immediately got comfortable with just being with him in the same rooftop, because I don't see any reason to be uncomfortable living with the perso you wanted to be with for so long already.

And currently I just came from work and now my head is laying on his thigh while I fish his phone as always. And him reading some books, the silence wasn't awkward nor too deafening, it was perfect just for the two of us.

It's also funny how Giyuu's phone almost became mine, because he would always let me bring it to work while he is also sucked into my phone. Mostly looking at my pictures and scroll through my social media, but he never tried to change something in it... well except for my wallpaper he changed it into his picture topless. Though, I wouldn't mind it...

Unlike me I keep adding up some apps here to make it less boring and he doesn't mind. "You don't have work tomorrow right?" I raised my head to looked at him and surprisingly he moved away his book to let me have a clearer view of his face.

I smiled, "mhm... it's weekend after all, how about you?" I put his phone to the glassed table and sat beside him.

"I don't have one and I'm already finished with my paperwork." He wrapped his left arm around my waist as I laid my head into his chest. My left hand playing with his hand that was wrapping around my waist.

"Why you ask?" I opened the TV and lowered the volume since he was still reading his book and I don't want to disturb him.

"Hmmm... what time is it?" I looked at the wall clock.

"It's already 6:30 pm... oh my! I think I need to cook us dinner now." It's almost seven! Was I too caught up on my moment with Giyuu? Yeah I think I was too absorbed. I tapped his his arms as a sign to let go of me and without waiting for a mother second he did what he was told.

I was about to walk away as I stood up from the couch, but then he pulled me by grabbing my wrist. My eyes widen in shock as I sat down in his lap, he was now removing his glasses with his book laying beside him.

"Don't bother to." Eh?


"I want to have dinner with you outside." He rubbed his nose to mine making me giggle at his sweet gesture.

But I pouted, "why? I thought you wanted me to cook for you? I wasn't able to do that for the passed few days because you keep spoiling me!" I pinched his nose making it tinted bright red.

"A brat like you should be spoiled." He said squishing my cheeks making me tear up a bit at how painful he's pinching them.

"Stop that!" I slapped away his hands making him laugh.

He grabbed my right hand and looked at the silver ring he gave me the other day. I smiled, "it looks good on you." He said while his other hand was brushing my hair back and forth.

"Where'd you even get this? It looks expensive though." I said while admiring the shinning violet diamond in the ring. Remembering what he said to me after putting this into my finger made me blush all of a sudden.

"Well, I got it for free-"

"Don't lie to me, Mister! Wherever you might have gotten this the is no way in hell that a customized ring is just for free." He rolled his eyes and laughed. He's been laughing at me too much? Do I look like a joke to him?

"No I'm serious, remember the girl who you accused kissing me in the lips?" My brows furrowed as he mentioned that.

"So? What about her?" He sweat drops and laughed nervously as he might have felt my bad aura remembering that girl. Even though she's bisexual she still kisses him, I know she's engaged, but can you blame me?

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now