Chapter 3

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"I thought you look pretty." Again those words of his popped out of my mind for the fourth time this day.

Argh!!!! I typed on my laptop's keyboard faster and more aggressively as I tried to take that memory out of my mind right now! Because this is unfair!

I've been trying to concentrate with my report on Pharmacology but those damn sweet memory of mine keeps me from finishing my work! And I need to pass this tomorrow! Gahhh!!!

Maybe I'm just overthinking about this too much... maybe I really need some rest since I didn't even get to have my sleep last night.

Yeah... I really need to rest.

I sighed saving my work for now and transferred it to my usb...

"Huh?" I was left confused as my laptop suddenly went black...

What the heck happened now?! Did I accidentally not notice the battery? But I just finished charging this a while ago and it doesn't go black like that when the battery goes dead!

I flipped my laptop to try and see what happened... well... I'll try fixing this maybe it's just a small scratch right? Cause if it's not... no, no, no!

You must not think like that!!!

"Oh! Shino- why are you flipping laptop like that?" I looked at the direction from where the voice came from.

I saw Mitsuri standing outside of my room still wearing her pajamas and a cup of coffee in her right and her phone on her left hand.

Gosh! I don't even remember when was the last time I get to woke up from a great sleep like Mitsuri here. I wonder if it would be a different case if I was in Kyoto...

"It just blacked out and I don't know if I could fix this."

"Ohh... uhmm... well, Shinobu, see... the other day I borrowed your laptop and..." my eyes widen as I've already figured out what might have possibly happened. "And... I sort of have dropped... it," she said while avoiding eye contact with me.

"Mitsuri!!!" I shouted as she started to run away so I did not hesitate to chase after her.

"I'm really sorry Shinobu! I'm sorry!" She shouted while running.

I'm surprised her coffee isn't spilling all over the house with her running so fast.


"Now, now, Shinobu, please don't lecture her too much, Mitsuri looks like she's about to cry and I think she really regrets it," Kanae said trying to calm me down with her hands caressing my back up and down.

I looked at Mitsuri who is now bowing down with sincere apology in her face.

"I swear I didn't mean to do it! I promise I'll pay for the repair just don't hate me!" She said and Kanae is right... she looks like she's about to cry.

I sighed... I'm glad I would always have a copy in my usb, just for advanced circumstances like this. I think my files being gone is not the problem here anymore....

"The problem here now is, they might not be able to finish it fixing today and I need to pass my Pharmacology report tomorrow, I don't have a laptop to use, since Kanae broke her's too the other day," I said bluntly with my thumb pointing at her, she just sweat drops but with still a sweet smile on her face.

"Ohhh, please don't be like that, Shinobu, you know it was an accident. It wasn't a sign that I was clumsy," I sighed at Kanae's words.

"Anyways, Mitsuri, since you told me that you'll be the one to pay go with me," she looked at me and her eyes shunned.

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now