Chapter 13

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Starting from this chapter I guess it'll be longer than the previous chaps because it's more convenient for me to have long chapters haha >.<

Hope you enjoy Chap 13!


"Say, Shinobu, what do plan after this first sem?" I looked up to see Mitsuri as she asked me that question.

I put down my chopsticks and think. Currently we're in the cafeteria for our breakfast and we kinda bumped into Nezuko when we were in the line to buy our food.

"Well, I'm still not sure because of Kanae, but I would want to go to the summer festival!" I said with excitement in my voice as I didn't get the chance to go to a summer festival these past few years in my collage because Kanae and I would immediately go to Kyoto and visit our parents there.

But now I think I would get the chance because she needs to take care of her class' tests and GPA. But it won't take her long but either way I think I would have a higher chance to go there this time.

"Then! How about we go there?!" Nezuko said with excitement transparent in her eyes. I giggled at her cute gesture.

"Well, sure but I need to ask Kanae first about it—"

"How about the four of us go there? To at least lessen Kanae's stress, she's been packed with paper work the past few days and I don't even think I see her anymore without holding anything besides papers," Mitsuri said.

Well, it's true that Kanae packed with papers in front of her desk even in her room, we should at least take her away from the paper works.

"I'll ask her later, though we still don't know what her answer will be," we all laughed.

"How about you Mitsuri aren't you gonna go home to Kyoto?" I asked as I had once again picked up my chopsticks and started to eat once again.

I looked at my wrist watch first before taking back my eyes at Mitsuri who seems to having a hard time thinking if she should go home.

"Hmm... I would want to, but..." suddenly a blush was tinted in her cheeks while she bumps her index fingers together.

Ehhh? I smiled as I already know what this means... "so? When are you gonna tell us?" I asked as I was pointing my chopsticks at her making her blush even more.

Iguro definitely did it now, nice, I've been having a hard time on taking things out to this two so they'd know they like each other, but I guess being dense is one if the first steps before getting together huh?

"W-wha—hmp!" She was stopped as soon as Nezuko put a bread into her mouth making her shut.

"Try denying it or else..." she shot her a glare which made Mitsuri sweat drop, I just laughed at how Nezuko tried to threaten her.

Mitsuri swallowed the bread in whole making up freeze up in our seats, she was able to swallow that huge piece of bread into her mouth without any worries. Who wouldn't be shocked about that, to be honest we don't think it's disrespectful we actually think it's really amazing how you can fit a big piece of food into your tiny lips.

"W-well, I guess you can say... that... we're—"

"So I was right?!" I shouted in shock making other people look into our direction.

"Y-yeah, we're dating now and... he asked me if I could stay for the break and actually... you know, spend some quality time together." She said looking down as she was so shy while saying those.

Ugh! I want to choke Giyuu-sensei right now! I'm so jealous! If he just tells me that he likes me too I bet I would have the same attention Mitsuri is getting from Iguro. I'm not saying  I want attention, what I want is this kind of affection from him, but no! He just doesn't like his feelings getting ahead of him.

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