Chapter 17

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"Mom! I told you you don't need to prepare too much food just because I'm going home!" I said while looking at the food she just prepared. Why does everytime we go home mom would always prepare a feast for us? Is us going home that much of a big deal?

Not being blunt, I actually like how she's like this but it's not necessary for her to prepare this much food though, "oh, Shinobu, you know your mother loves to feed you right?" She said while having a bright smile on her face.

I sighed and just sat down on my usual seat, "ehhh? So Kanae won't be visiting us until Christmas break? That's a bummer."

"It can't be helped, I mean he has a lot of work," I said and took a bit of my food. Mmm~ delicious! I miss my mom's home cooked food.

"Say, Shinobu, are you dating someone?" Hah?! I stopped as soon as I was about to feed the rice into my mouth.

Why would he ask that?! I mean, well, I'm not yet together with Giyuu, but I can't tell them about him either.

"N-no... no, I don't have anyone like that yet—"

"Then, do you have any interest in someone—"

"Hey, don't ask her like that, she looks like she's all tensed up." Mom stopped dad from asking me anything that has to do with me liking someone.

"Honey, I'm just making sure, I want to know who that guy is so I could see for myself just how deserving he is to our daughter." He looked at me again and give a questioning look.

Oh gosh, he's not gonna stop until I tell him I really do have someone in mind. I mean, he might ask me who he is or how old he is. What's more is that it'll be troublesome if dad knew I'm fawning over a professor!.

"C'mon, Shinobu, don't you have someone in mind? I'll set another arrange marriage to you if you still haven't gotten a boyfriend—"

"Hey! That's mean! Don't set me up in another arrange marriage, I don't like your taste in men." I said sticking out my tongue, disgusted as I remember how annoying the last person he asked to marry me.

"What are you talking about? They were all perfect for you, they're rich after all—"

"Yeah, they may be rich but I'm sure that their personality is trash." I said while gripping on my chopsticks remembering how he said he'd buy me all over again just so he could have my body!

I hated that kind of person.

"Well, I can't argue with—"

"You're the one who set me up to them." I said while pouting.

"C'mon if you don't tell me the guy you're interested in now I might give—"

"Yes! I do have someone in mind and he's older than me and is already working. Anything besides that don't ask anything more about him," I ate my food while looking at him with a glare on my face.

"Older?! Shinobu, he might be married alread—"

"No he's not! He doesn't have a wife yet! You should be greatful that I didn't lie to you," I said while pouting at him.

"Ohhh, so you were planning on lying." No that's not it! "Fine, but if that man isn't the man you'll be bringing after you graduate, I'll set you up to an arrange marriage again. Like it or not, whateve." Just how harsh can dad be... I hope Giyuu doesn't mind this side of dad. I mean, he managed with me, so I think he can manage with dad too.

"Shinobu, does this man also like you?" I looked at mom who seemed to be worried about me.

I stopped... thinking what should I say... I mean, he did tell me he also likes me, but we're not together yet.

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