Chapter 6

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In my story I want to make Nezuko the same age as Shinobu because I want to have them as close friends also I'll make Zenitsu older than shinobu here.

Tanjiro and the others will be introduced later on the story.

Enjoy! >-<


As I've finally arrived at the track field I saw some students still running while the others are now leaving... it's 4 in the morning and I just guessed that this would be a perfect day to go on a running in the field.

The air is still cold so I thought sweating in cold air would really feel nice. I don't have Mitsuri or Nezuko with me right now because... well, Mitsuri in her side she's got a pile of work right now so she can't join me while Nezuko... well, she's still sleeping... I called her last night but she didn't answer so I thought that she was already asleep.

I tried calling her this morning but there was still no answer... She really loves sleeping that much huh?

Well in my case even though I'm still sleepy I still want to have a run even for a bit since I didn't have time to do this for the past weeks.

I plugged in my earphones and started to walk first, I can't run that immediately or I'll be tired.

Also I heard that some students see Giyuu-sensei running here in the track field sometimes, but he doesn't do that always since what I know is his house is outside the campus so it's sensible that it's more common for him to take a walk or run outside the University.

Unconsciously my hands went to my neck... I blushed as I remembered what happened to us in the library the other day... that was the first he's been really close to me...

I'm not assuming or anything but I can feel that this past few months, weeks or days... I feel like I'm getting closer to him which makes me really happy... but...

I remembered that I saw regrets in his eyes as he stopped the other day... it's true his eyes regrets it, but I still saw how much he enjoyed it...

Now... I'm sure... something is holding him back... I just... I'm not sure yet what it is but I have a guess. I don't want to jump into conclusions or I might hurt myself... I still think of myself too you know!

While running I saw a tall guy in a white hoodie, with black jogging pants and he was wearing a headphone... and I immediately knew who that person was since I don't know anyone with that long hair.

I smiled and run for it... I think I got lucky today.

As I've reached his side I wore my hoodie's hood as I don't want any students here knowing who he's with... I still care on how Giyuu-sensei's career as a teacher will be affected by me you know.

I slightly bumped myself with him to make him get out of his thoughts and notice me.

"Sorr—Kocho?" He said in a shocked way as I waved at him as my way of greeting him today.

"What a nice day we have for a nice run, right?" I asked tilting my head.

I saw him sighed and ran faster than me, hey! That's unfair! I have poor athletic skill!

Hmp! I glared at his back and ran faster so I could catch up with him.

"Giyuu-sensei, please don't make this hard for me, I just want to be with you first thing in the morning-"

"Please don't—"

"You don't get to tell me what to do... unless I'm already your girlfriend you could order me around anytime you like... you could also order me to stay away from you-"

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