Chapter 19

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As he was roaming free inside me his hands went down to my butt caressing them softly making me moan in between the heated kiss we're sharing right now. My left hand was on his neck caressing this with my other hands on the back of his head pulling him closer to mine as I wanted to have more of his kisses.

Suddenly his kisses trailed down to my neck biting and sucking my skin making me moan even more. Leaving love bites all over my neck he found my sweet spot making me scream, "G-giyuu~what it Kanae sees, that, it'll be trouble some in our parts." I tried to push him away but the force I'm applying was not enough because I can feel myself giving into what he's doing to me.

"We're a concealer or something that will hide it." He said and continued to suck my skin. He removed my butterfly pin and let my hair loose.

From the back of his head my hands trailed down to his well toned back gripping on his shirt. But then suddenly I remembered something about the picture I saw earlier.

"G-giyuu... we need to talk about something..." but he didn't listen and trailed back to my lips and continued to kiss me. But this time he was looking straight into my eyes, he stopped as he might have noticed the worried expression on my eyes.

He pulled away and caressed my cheeks with his right hand, "what is it?" He said in a calming voice.

I wanted to believe that the picture was just someone who coincidentally looks like Giyuu but I need to make sure.

I grabbed my phone from my cardigan and fished through my gallery to let him see. "H-here..." I said while showing him the picture the unknown person took.

"Is that... r-really you?" I asked looking down as I tried to pull myself up from crying.

Few moments passed and he still hasn't answered my question, so I looked up and saw his eyes turned cold. "G-giyu—"

"It's me..." suddenly I felt my heart broke as he said it truthfully.

"I though—"

"But don't get the wrong idea—"

"Wrong idea?! She kissed you in the lips!" I even zoomed in the picture to make him look at it closely. I felt tears were now flowing from my eyes.

"Shinobu, listening to me." He cupped my cheeks making me look at him directly, I saw there were sincerity in his eyes. Fuck this! I just can't feel mad at him.

"She didn't kiss me on the lips—"

"What are you talking about? She did!" I said jumping a little because of how annoyed I am thinking of the girl kissing him on the lips.

"Hey, you don't get to tell me what happened, you're not the one who got kissed." I punched his chest effortlessly.

"It's true but still..." I buried my face into his chest and let his shirt get wet from my tears.

"She kissed me on the side of my lips. The person who took it was in the wrong angle, trust me because I was the one who recieved the kiss and that's just a picture."

"But it doesn't change the fact that you let her kiss you." I raised my head once again and glared at him directly in the eyes. But his warm eyes stayed warm while looking into my soul.

"Mhm. It's true she kissed me but she's my cousin's girlfriend." He said while patting my head but I slapped it away.

"Don't tell me you're trying to get in between their relationship?! I though you said you love me—" he cupped my cheeks and give my lips a quick peck before giggling a little. What's funny?!

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now