Chapter 20

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"Shinobu~" I hummed while my brows wrinkled as I felt something laid on my face. Though it's warm. "Hey, wake up or you won't be able to sleep properly later at night." As I heard his voice I slowly opened my eyes, because I was still feeling all sleepy and I need rest.

"No~" I whined as I cupped his hands that was laying on my cheeks, it's warm. "I want to sleep more..." I said and started to drift back to sleep but I felt something soft touched my forehead.

I couldn't help but feel ticklish as he was lightly resting his lips into my forehead, I giggled and opened my eyes only to meet those deep blue ocean eyes. He smiled, "wake u—"

He wasn't able to finish his statement as the hand he was laying in my cheek, I pulled it making him lay down beside me once again, "shinobu, if Tsutako nee-san caught us naked in the same bed she'll obviously know what happened between us." My mind was left blank and sat down on the bed, but only to feel pain down there.

"Giyuu! My back hurts!" I crumpled myself  back into bed while looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Did I go too rough on you?" He asked while chuckling looking at my situation right now.

I pouted, "you know that was my first time you could have gone—"

"But then I'd let you down..." what—I blinked once again as to process that he actually said something like that.


"Don't blame me... you're the one who put yourself into this place after all." He said as a wrinkle grew in between his eye brows making a giggled slightly. I slowly sat down trying to not hurt myself even more, Giyuu helped me sat down slowly.

"You just realized what you did, right?" I asked as I was covering my naked self with his white sheets of blanket.

He looked confused for a moment which made my heart fell, "oi! You just did it with me!" Hot liquid started to form at the edge of my eyes as I felt hurt, "don't tell me you're gonna regret it again?!"

I covered my face with the blanket and used it so wipe away the tears that started to flow out of my eyes. While my other hands was gripping on the bedsheets bearing with the pain he gave me after letting him take my first.

I was about to face him once again when I felt huge arms pulled me into a heartwarming embrace making my tears stop flowing from my eyes. "You really need to stop taking my jokes seriously." And he chuckled as his breathe touches my bare neck as he exhales his every breathe.

"Of course I know what I did and I didn't regret a single thing about it." His other hand went to the back of my head caressing it softly making me feel all fuzzy inside as every brush of his finger tips into my hair held so much love and warmth in it.

I hugged him back, "then stop making those kind of joke, you've already done it. If you turn back now I'll definitely kill you." He laughed at my statement.

We pulled out from the hug, "I'll get you some clothe—"

"Can I wear yours instead?" I asked as he looked shocked by my request, "I want to wear your scent, is there problem?" He shook his head before ruffling my hair.

"I'll get you some painkillers too, and I'll just help you stand up, because Nee-san might get mad at for putting you into this state—"

"Hey... what do you think will your sister do if she knew I'm your student?" I said while looking at my thumbs fidgeting them nervously.

"Don't worry, she's an understandable kind of person, so you don't have to worry that much."


After helping me dress up he helped me stand up. The first attempt was really bad because I realized jut how hard it is for my legs to stand still. They were all shaking in pain, making me give Giyuu a head chop at his rough session with me.

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