Chapter 11

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"Is that all?" I asked Kanae.

"Yes... I think."

"You think?" Seriously? She's the one who ordered me to go to the market today to feed our fridge with foods. As you can see our fridge is totally empty! And when I said empty! There's nothing left! Spotless!

"Well, that's the foods I think we need, why don't you buy food on your own? You're good at cooking, right? You and Mitsuri?" Wow...

"I really wonder if which one of us is the older sibling here-"

"Don't be like that, Shinobu, you know your big sister loves you, right? I'm just busy because I'm preparing the test because the first sem will be ending remember?" Oh... right...

"Wait what?!" I was panicking... I didn't know we'll be having our exams already! I haven't open my notes yet!


"Next week... my, it's so unusual of you Shinobu to not remember. Have you been thinking about Tomioka-san instead of you-"

"Huh?! What's that you're saying?! I think your line is broken! Bye!" And ended the call... I sighed and put my phone back in my purse.

I didn't check the Announcement Board earlier, so I didn't know... wait when was the announcement posted anyway? If it was like yesterday or the other day Mitsuri or Nezuko would have been panicking and asking for my help with their studies.

It's true they're working hard but sometimes they still need me to get their lessons inside their head. Though Mitsuri has a different course she still needs me.

"Gahh... I have so many things to caught up for the days I didn't attend my schedules. Was just absent for two days and they already showered us with homework, project and reports... gosh, I really hate this..." I grabbed two boxes milk... as I was about to grab another one, and it was the last one.

My hands bumped into someone's hand...

"Oh! Shinobu-san!" Suddenly my mood light up as I heard his sweet voice.

I smiled before facing him, "oh? Nice seeing you here Kamado-kun!" I said while waving my hand at him.

"You can take it, Shinobu-san, I can still buy it from the other mark-"

"No, no, it's okay! I already have two so you can have them!" He nods and got the last one.

"Thank you Shi-Oh! Tomioka-san!" Eh?!

I stiffened for a moment, because I can feel like my back is so cold right now... brr! Did they turn on the ac in such a high level?! I'm freezing here.

Unconsciously I wrapped my arms around me with my hands caressing my arms... "Shinobu-san? Are you okay?" Kamado-kun tilted his head to his right.

"Ahhh... M-mhm! I just feel cold here..." I slowly turned around only to meet his cold stares, sending shivers throughout my whole body. From head to foot.

But I can sense anger in him... I still haven't recover that much yet so when he gives me this kind of stares it kinda reduces my confidence in talking to him.


"Aren't you supposed to be working on with you requirements since you purposely didn't attend you classe," his words made feel like a blizzard just pass by me... cold!

He's cold as heck today! I'm kinda tensed up...

"W-well, I was asked to buy food-"

"Whatever it doesn't concern me anyways..." and he passed by me.

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now