Chapter 4

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"Wow... your office looks so simple and so organized! It's what I would expect from you Giyuu-sensei!" I said clapping both of my hands as my eyes was scanning to all of his stuff inside his office.

"Should I be flattered?" He said taking off his blazer and putting it on his swivel chair.

I blushed at the sigh... even though he's still wearing his white, long sleeved, polo shirt his biceps are still seen through his sleeves and his oh-so musculined back... gosh, I think I would have pinch that right away because I'm sure no one could hold back at this sight anymore. Right?!

Argh! How many times do you even go to the gym?! Do you actually still have time to go there?! Tell me when you go there I'll be sitting on the corner watching you sweat run through your sexy-

Bruh! Don't think those kind of things right now! I blushed even more as I can't help myself thinking of him running through a treadmill. Gosh! This is a sin isn't it?!

He looked me with him rising his brows like he was asking me if there was a problem? I looked away, shook my head and sat beside him.

Oh! Comfy! But...

"Why do you have two swivel chairs here?" I asked without looking at him and just looked at all the organized files in front me right now.

"Uhmm..." I looked at him this time as he tried to say something...

A smile crept into my lips as I've already thought of new words to tease him.

"Hey, don't tell me you already knew you'd invite me into your office one day so you bought an extra one, huh?" I smiled mischievously as I saw him having a hard time to spit out something.

I laughed, "you know Giyuu-sensei—"

"Not just you, some students come here too to ask something from me so why would I let them standing while I'm sitting, wouldn't it be inappropriate?" A vein popped out in my forehead as he have already thought of an excuse but...

"If it was for someone who would only ask you for something... why a swivel chair, though—"

"You gonna do your work or not?" I got more annoyed as he tried to avoid the topic...

I sighed and let him open his laptop for me and type his password, his back was too big and was covering up the sight so I could see his password and that made me pout... he really must know how cheeky I am.

"Here... don't touch any file in my desktop or anything, just mind your own business, got that?" I gave him a salute and smiled as as sign of my understanding of what he just told me.

I plugged in my usb and find my file.

To be honest I feel so at ease right now while working with my report... I don't know if it's because I can finally assure that I will be able to pass this tomorrow or...

The fact that I'm beside Giyuu-sensei and working inside his office... but I don't mind since I can feel his presence so close to me in more than just five minutes... though we're not talking to each other, since he's doing some paper work, it still feel so relaxing.

The way out breaths are so synchronized just made me more blush as I feel like at this moment I'm so connected with him. At this time, I feel like I don't want this day to end and just stay like this...

Now questions keep popping out inside my head, like 'did he had a girlfriend once?' 'Does he have a crush among the students or teachers here?' or like 'did he receive his first kiss already?'

Man, those are somethings I've been urging to ask him since I first saw him but... like he'll ever answer those kind of question... i don't even know if he's already done-

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now