Chapter 14

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"Waaa! Shinobu!" I looked behind me as I heard someone calling my name and I've already guessed who it is.

"Oh! Mitsu—"

"Waaa! I'm so happy the exams are finally over! I can finally let my brain rest after all the long nights I've been trying to get those complicated words inside my brain!" She said as she was sniffing, yeah, she's crying because of happiness.

I sweat dropped at her reaction, Nezuko isn't with us this time because Zenitsu-kun wanted to eat lunch with her. Gosh, I'm so jealous!

"Don't say that, you picked that course so why complain?" She shot me a glare.

"That's easy for you to say! You love studying and I don't! Let's go eat at the cafeteria! I'm so hungry!" I laughed at her cute she is right now while I just let her drag me towards cafeteria.

Though I'm also glad exams are finally over and I'll finally get some rest, I don't need to worry about the last three days we have, we'll just review some things this and that. Gosh, I want to skip my schedules and just sleep on my comfy pillow all day long. I'll only experience that when I'm finally going home to Kyoto.

Though... I won't be seeing Giyuu-sensei, but I'll just stay there a couple of days since the demanding sensei doesn't wants me to be away from him for a long time.

"So you've asked Kanae already about our plan?" Mitsuri asked.

"Mhm, but... she already had a plan with her boyfriend..." of course! Who would it be except for Shinazugawa-san, he asked her to go with him to the Summer festival and she had already agreed to him before we even started planning of going together there.

I sighed, "you gonna bring Iguro aren't you?" I asked with a blunt face as I have too already figured out that Nezuko will bring Zenitsu-kun too. Ugh... they want me to looks like third wheel, huh?

"Don't be mad! I'll still pay attention to you!" She said hugging me.

"Yeah, but you'll pay more attention to the foo stand," she pulled out from the hug and pouted at me.

"Of course! The foods there are one of the things why I like the festival," as expected. We're not even there yet but I can already see her drooling.

"Oi! Don't pay attention to the food you'll be having three days later, pay attention to your food now," I said pointing at her food, she was sent back to reality and giggled.

I think most students plans on going to the summer festival too since that has been the big talk of the people here in the cafeteria. I mean, watching the fireworks are nice right?

Hmm... I wonder if Giyuu-sensei has a plan on going there.

Which reminds me, I heard the other day from Kamado-kun that Kanao agreed to going with him at the festival. Yeah, we still communicate with each other, we sometimes text each other for a long time and talk about things. He doesn't get to text to Kanao that much since he phone broke last month. We're not in the same house dormitory but let's say she's in good hands being with her roommates.

"Why don't you ask Tomioka-sensei?" Mitsuri asked with a straight face.

"Well, I would but  he wouldn't agree either way, since he'll be spending some time with her sister I guess?" Giyuu-sensei have been asking me a lot lately in helping him with his paper works and we kinda have some talks over some simple things. Mitsuri and Nezuko knows about it.

"He has a sister?!" She sounded shock... oh right! I haven't told her about him having an older sister yet.

He's not actually hiding it, it's just he doesn't have a big reason why should he share this kind of information to his students.

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