Chapter 12

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It's been a week since the last time I talked with him and I think he's avoiding me... even more than how he avoids me before we had a talk in the market. I don't know what to do anymore, if I pester him while he tries his best to avoid me he'll just start to throw more daggers to me, which I don't want to happen.

"Oi, you've been down lately, are you sure you're okay?" Nezuko said as she was caressing my back... I didn't told them about what happened to us that day. I don't want anyone to know about that.

I forced a smile and looked at her, "Mhm... I just lack sleep I guess because I've been pressuring myself from all the things since this is our exam week after all." Of course that was a lie... I don't even know if I can answer all the questions in the test because I don't even remember a single thing from all the things I read every vacant time I had.

The only time I get to focus on my studies is when there's a professor, but every free time... he keeps popping up inside my head, why won't he leave me?

"Yeah, let's study together later at the library together with Mitsuri, you seem distracted when you study alone." Was I that transparent.

I just nod and didn't try to talk to her anymore. I hate this...

When Giyuu-sensei had finally arrived everyone was quite, not because of his presence, but because of the stack of paper he was carrying.

"Don't try to make a noise or try copying your seatmates, I have my eyes on all of you." The seemed tensed as soon as he said those.

So after this week, we'll have one week left in the first semester... then there's this summer festival. I wanted to ask him out, since he had already finished giving me the fifty questions. And I answered them all perfectly. So we're supposed to have a date...

After the festival I'm going back to Kyoto to visit mom and dad, though I'm not sure if Kanae will come with me, but I guess she will?

As soon as he distributed the paper to the students on the front row they started to get one and pass to their back.

The whole hours answering the test was really quiet, the only thing you can hear is Giyuu-sensei's footsteps while he's roaming around the room checking us. Everytime he pass by I stopped writing and just look at my paper, he would stay still there for some minute before continuing on examining other students.

The questions are quite simple, it's because I really concentrate in his class also it ain't that hard.


As the exam was now finally over, before Nezuko drag me I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "I need a favor..." I asked her.

Her eyebrows went up and down, "what is it this time, smarty pants?" I giggled as she called me by that name.

"I won't be coming with you at the library, when everyone is finally gone I'm gonna stay and talk with Giyuu-sensei, while you close the door, okay?" I asked, she was shocked for a moment then suddenly returned to her seat.

"Spill the beans!" She looks like she's waiting for me to tell her everything that had happened.

"I'm sorry but I'll tell you some other time... for now I need to sort things out with him," she both laid her hands into my shoulder.

"I envy you so much, despite him pushing you away you're still trying your best!" I  laughed at her words, her tone sounds like she's half-serious and half-sarcastic.

"Well, thanks I guess?" I said and started to fix my things. As the the other students have now left I started to walk towards Giyuu-sensei.

I saw Nezuko was following me at my back, I don't know if Giyuu-sensei has noticed me since he's busy fixing the papers in his table, which I assume are the papers of the students.

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