Chapter 23

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"Shinobu," as I heard his morning voice that called my name while I was cooking for our breakfast. I turned around to meet his gaze, with him only wearing his sweatpants, revealing his holy glorious abs.

Even though this is what I always see in the morning, I just can't help but bite my lips to stop thinking all of this... dangerous thoughts that's popping up inside my head, to prevent things from happening between us. I inhaled and turned around once again to focus on the food I was cooking for us.

"Yes?" I asked, but was surprised when all of a sudden, huge arms wrapped around my tiny waist making me jump a bit. "Hey! Don't go on sneaking to me like that!" He didn't mind what I said and just let his lips travel on my neck sending me shivers.

As his lips settled in between my neck and shoulder, he stopped and rested his cheeks on my shoulder, the tip of his nose touching my neck, breathing in and out in that place made me tickle. I giggled as I felt his stares at me. "You look like my wife," I bursted out laughing as he said that.

He fixed his face and this time his chin was now laying on my shoulder. My left hand travelled to his cheeks giving it a squish which he didn't mind, "You could have been my wife when you're already twenty three years old, but no!" He sounded childish.

I gave him a side glance since I was curious where was he taking this topic to, "you just have to take a medical course and take eight years before you graduate! I despise you for that!" I pushed him away making him whine, he sounded so cute but that was not the point right now.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at him, "blame yourself for being  older—"

"Age doesn't matter between us! What matters is our relationship, I want to fasten our pace—"

"And I want to take our relationship slowly!" I said raising my index finger with a huge smile on my face. He pouted and took a step to get close to me and gave me a warm hug.

"I never thought that you would say that," I slapped his shoulder lightly making him laugh and let go of me.

He went to where the bowls are placed and got to of them, he placed it on in the counter, which where we usually eat because it's just the two of us here. "It's three days after break's over, huh?" He said and laid the chopsticks on top of the bowl.

I looked down ... "mhm..." and I hope nothing will go wrong.

As I was nearly finished with our food he started to put rice on the bowls. And at the same time he was done, so was I.

He smiled at me and sat on the stool, went to the other side of the counter as my food was placed right across his'. As I sat down we both said our thanks for the breakfast and digged in.

"Will our relationship change when we're inside the University?" I asked in the middle of our breakfast.

It took him some time to answer, so I looked up and at the same time his hands went for mine that was resting on the counter. He gave it a caress before looking at me. "Yes..." he answered simply. I nod slightly.

What does he mean by that?

"What we have right now is what we'll cherish and let it grow as time pass by. But it will change in a positive way. Well take care of what we have and not let it change in a bad way." My heart melted as soon as he said those to me. My heart felt peace with his reassuring words. Dammit he always does this!

"So you'll still give me cuddles?" I asked cheekily. He rolled his eyes before letting go of my hand, but before he could let go of it, I grabbed it intertwining it with mine.

So Devoted to You [GIYUU X SHINOBU] kny fanficWhere stories live. Discover now